Other Topic Library Versions


In addition to the information presented here, please visit the rest of the GV Director Topic Library, Tutorials, Knowledge base, and other product documentation for complete information.

New Features

The Update button has been added to the GV Assistant Director Tool to update Live effects.

Added support in Composer to import media assets with Non-Latin characters in the filename.

A cancel button was added to allow you to exit the waiting on system dialog.


This release is qualified with MAC OS X El Capitan.

Table 1. Software Problems Corrected in Release v 1. 3
Area Description ID
GVD A possible crash could occur when executing a large number of transitions and effects. DDC-4962
GVD Closed caption characters on 720p5994 are directly overwritten when printed. DDC-4955
GVD Using the ARC mode in a top layer, with a SD clip on 1080i, results that the most upper line of the clip is showing the background output instead. DDC-4892
GVD Changing the PPK while recording results in various recording and tally state problems. GVD-7583
GVD Using an effect without any actions assigned results in an unresponsive server. GVD-7660
GVD After clearing a top layer player and putting the empty player on program it cannot be taken off. GVD-7615
GVD PPK files on the server that contain a space in the filename cannot be deleted. GVD-7618
GVD When the first action in a compound element is not performed, the next actions will not be executed. GVD-7624
GVD Setting the ARC mode on for top layers has no effect. GVD-7584
GVD The server does not support media file transfers with Russian or Japanese filenames. GVD-7565
GVD Maintenance panel turns red when recording, but does not clear when recording stops. GVD-7581
GVD The AD tool does not generate the default thumbnail after failing the thumbnail creation of an asset. GVD-7577
GVD When setting the audio delay, the multiviewer name is altered to "Analog In." GVD-7585
GVD The connection form is gone in the AD Tool after canceling and retrying to connect to a server that is offline. GVD-7640
GVD Sometimes the items in favorites are cleared on a panel restart. GVD-7405
GVD If the user rights are incorrect, the AD tool connection popup may not display. GVD-7590
GVD When the delete button is enabled in the Media page, you cannot perform actions on other pages. GVD-7592
GVD If you use the Chroma Key effect and then switch to Lives, Transitions or Event List, the effect remains. GVD-7591
GVD Applying a negative X or Y position in the AD tool is not possible. GVD-7625
Composer Accented characters such as (àéèäöüïîê) are misinterpreted when using the auto-update functionality of a text field. DDC-4896
GVD Using unsupported characters as scene parameters can result in a server freeze. GVD-7635
An effect that is taken to program by not using the on-action cannot be removed from program by using the off-action. An effect that is taken to program by not using the on-action could not be removed from program by using the off-action.  
Table 2. Software Problems Corrected in Release v 1. 2
Area Description ID
GVD Panel no longer flickers on update from server GVD-321
GVD User may now set static default Gateway and DNS server setting via the client GVD-6761
GVD Audio Metering on clips now shows all channels GVD-193
GVD Tally improvements were made across the system GVD-7397
GVD Improvements made in server client connection GVD-6920
GVD Improvements made in analog audio. GVD-7521
GVD Input record of incompatible video formats prevented GVD-7487
GVD The firmware for OLED panels were been updated GVD-745
GVD PIP parameters may now be set in the AD tool GVD-7283
GVD Improvements were made to the panel AUX setting form GVD-7059
GVD Improvements made to the AD tool event list GVD-7935
GVD Transition and lever arm properties moved to the same form GVD-1000
GVD Audio Panel mixers now reflect input name changes GVD-45
GVD RSS improvements made in the clients GVD-264
GVD Improvements were made to filter out non valid file name characters GVD-7382
GVD You now have the ability to select OTS images in the parameter interfaces GVD-7563
GVD Chroma key smoothness corrected GVD-7548
GVD Changing video standard no longer causes program preview confusion GVD-7302
GVD AD tool connection state was improved GVD-7536
GVD Improved response time when using animated transitions. DDC-4759
GVD Recording a live feed to file of a different broadcast format resulted in a server crash. DDC-4729
GVD Improved handling of HDMI sources that do not carry a signal. Now showing a triple grey screen to indicate this. DDC-4714
Composer In Composer, duplicating a template with a name that starts with a number no longer results in a crash. DDC-4497
GVD Any font can now be used for rendering non-Latin text. DDC-773
GVD Audio metering for clips used to show only channel 1. This has now been resolved. DDC-789
GVD Audio metering for clips sometimes produced inaccurate levels. This has now been resolved. DDC-4654
GVD Inadvertently selecting more than one source when using an animated transition sometimes resulted in black output. DDC-4653
GVD Improved handling of animated transitions when manually controlled. DDC-4656
GVD When setting Director to Preview-On and using the lever for with a more advanced transition (like carousel), it might be possible to switch to black when quickly turn using the lever twice. DDC-182
GVD Switching source signals while recording the source to file, sometimes aborted the recording. DDC-4680
GVD Genlock stability was sometimes reduced after a restart of the server. DDC-4682
GVD Improved handling of aux connections where the source stops carrying a signal. DDC-4731
Composer Cancelling an export of a pack in Composer no longer leaves data behind on the target device. DDC-4706
GVD The audio of the last frame of a clip no longer repeats. DDC-1286
Table 3. GV Director Software Problems Corrected in Release v 1. 1.3
Area Description ID
GVD Control Surface Analog audio settings do not persist after a reboot. DE9453
GV Composer Some Composer created Compound effects do not play properly. DE9724
GV Composer

Export from Composer appears to succeed even if the export destination is full.

GVD Control Surface

Can't delete saved buttons file.

GVD Control Surface Transition durations do not get persisted. GVD-7270
GVD Control Surface Sub effect creation allows user to steal existing sub effect name. GVD-7295
GVD Assistant Director Tool Assistant Director tool needs admin rights to run on PC. GVD-7167
GVD Control Surface Black 'boxes' appear in graphics in place of text. GVD-7012
GVD Assistant Director Tool Assistant Director tool effect selection goes away after first edit. GVD-7013
GVD Control Surface Mistyped Router information causes system shutdown. GVD-7275
GV Composer Dynamic numbers in text fields could show from right to left or left to right in no particular order. DDC-767
GV Composer Creation of 720p ANI files resulted in Composer crash. DDC-134
GV Composer Animated transitions contain a fixed duration. DDC-139
GV Composer

Players in Composer did not always get updated when refreshing them.

GV Composer Players in Composer did not show the preview when using a legacy ANI file. DDC-135
GV Composer Using a particular font resulted in system and Composer crash (Mac) or Error popup (Win). DDC-128
GV Composer

Extreme amount of log lines when using cross conversion, that eventually could result in system freeze.

GV Composer Critical memory corruption results in system restart. DDC-1171
GV Composer Amount of players per channel increased to 400 and render inputs to 800. Converted player pool lock to light-lock. DDC-4350
GV Composer Clean feed is not shown using production pack from Composer 1.7.5. DDC-4426
GV Composer Legacy 720p5994 ANI file did not play on GVD. DDC-4431
GV Composer Pinning live audio results in audio ticks. DDC-4423

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