Change VPN credentials on GV GUARDIAN server

  1. Initiate an SSH connection to the GV GUARDIAN server and log on with administrator credentials.
  2. Type the following and press Enter. cd /etc/openvpn
  3. Type the following and press Enter. vim login.cfg The username and password are displayed. The username is on the first line, the password on the second line.
  4. Change the username and password as desired.
    1. Enter dd twice.
    2. I for insert.
    3. Type the username.
    4. Press Enter.
    5. Type the password.
    6. Press Escape.
    7. Hold Shift and type zz.
  5. Type the following and press Enter. service openvpn restart
  6. Close the SSH connection to the GV GUARDIAN server.
Next, change or create credentials accordingly on the GV GUARDIAN cloud instance. If the user does not already exist, create it and set the password.

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