Other Topic Library Versions

Password changes and compatibility

With currently released products, default accounts and passwords are unified across Grass Valley systems. This includes K2, GV STRATUS, and Aurora products. However, some previous versions of Grass Valley products had default accounts and passwords that were not unified with other Grass Valley products.

Therefore, when combining newer, currently released Grass Valley products with older, previously released products, you must manage your passwords for system and operational compatibility. Grass Valley recommends the following:
  • Ensure that a user account that is the same on all systems has the same password.
  • Change all passwords to the newer unified passwords. This applies especially to the Administrator account, where you would change the password on your older systems to the new systems.
  • If your site policies prohibit changing your passwords, then you may change the passwords on your newer systems to match your older systems.
  • Do not change the password for the internal system account, which by default is GVAdmin. The default account must retain the default password. Grass Valley applications and services use this account/password for program interactions.
Consider the following as you change passwords:
  • SiteConfig provides default credentials for each device type. If you have not overridden these default credentials in SiteConfig, whenever your SiteConfig access requires authentication, SiteConfig uses the default credentials. When you upgrade SiteConfig, it is possible that the newer version of SiteConfig has newer default credentials. If this is the case, authentication can fail when SiteConfig uses the new default credentials to access a device still configured for the old default credentials. Therefore, refer to SiteConfig Release Notes when upgrading and if default credentials change, reconcile by overriding default credentials in SiteConfig as necessary.
  • Transfers between K2 systems require that the same user account and password be on both systems. The transfer uses the credentials with which you are logged in to the application initiating the transfer to authenticate the transfer on the other K2 system. If a password has changed and is no longer the same or an account is not present, the transfer fails. Therefore, when initiating transfers use accounts and passwords that are the same on all systems.

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