K2 systems components

K2 system

Description: The K2 devices that provide the high-resolution assets for the GV STRATUS system. This includes standalone K2 Summit systems and K2 Media Servers that are File System Managers (FSM) on K2 SANs.

SiteConfig "Add Device":
  • Family: K2
  • Device Type:

    K2 Summit Client - Standalone


    K2 Server

  • Model: As appropriate for the type of K2 system
SiteConfig Roles:
  • GV STRATUS Summit Service
K2Config Roles:
  • As appropriate for the type of K2 system
SiteConfig cab files:
  • GrassValley_K2system_x.x.x.cab, which contains the following cab files that apply to this device:
    • GrassValley_STRATUS_SummitServices_x.x.x.cab
  • On K2 Summit systems, K2 software license
  • On K2 Summit systems, AppCenter Pro or Workgroup, as appropriate for the customer site. Either of these licenses enables proxy on the K2 Summit system.
  • On K2 Media Servers, a license for bandwidth.
These are Sabretooth node-locked licenses, which means they are restricted to single computer.
Windows Control Panel Services:
  • As appropriate for the type of K2 system. Refer to "K2 Summit Production Client Service Manual" or the "Installing and Servicing the K2 SAN" section of the K2 Topic Library.

Copyright © 2011 - 2023 GVBB Holdings SARL and Grass Valley USA, LLC. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. GV STRATUS 7.0 gvtp_20231124_15:10:36
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