Access Control > Overview > Sample Network Topology

Sample Network Topology

The figure below illustrates a general network topology with some sample domains. All domains are configured with their own private local LAN (192.168) connected to a second iControl Application Server NIC (eth1). A client PC is configured on the LAN for maintenance engineers to configure and control equipment in the room. All equipment in the room is also configured on the local LAN for private access. External PCs on the public network cannot access any equipment directly.
Each room has one or more iControl Application Server(s), depending on the amount of equipment to monitor and control. The Application Servers within each room are connected to the same local LAN (192.168). The primary NIC (eth0) is configure for the public subnet (3.199.107). This is the only subnet available to connect all Application Servers from all rooms to the public LAN. PC clients can be connected on the public subnet, but typically monitoring and control will be from PCs on the corporate LAN behind the firewall as shown.