Alarms in iControl > Key Concepts > Alarm Attributes > General Guidelines for Alarm Attributes > Avoid redundancy
Avoid redundancy
Information redundancy in URIs is bad. A bad example would be to include both a host name and corresponding IP address in URIs "so they are readily available". Not only does it make URIs longer, it also makes them brittle (if any one of the host name or IP address changes, it breaks all uses) and impractical (users need to remember/store both elements of information when they want to use the alarm). Pick one or the other and stick with it.
Likewise, avoid packing all sorts of information in a URI that does not serve to uniquely identify it. For instance there were proposals to embed SNMP OIDs in the URIs of the derived GSM alarms, but that requires all users to know that bit of information on top of everything else, unless you make it optional (but that would require more complex parsing which doesn't exist today). The approach here is to make a call to GSM (or one of its plug-ins) to obtain more information when required, like we do for instance when we "resolve" an alarm URI to obtain the alarm path, alarm name and so on. We don't embed the path and name in the alarm URI "just in case".