Alarms in iControl > Key Concepts > Alarm Operational Modes > Virtual Alarm Operational Modes
Virtual Alarm Operational Modes
Virtual alarms don’t have their own operational modes. They reflect the operational modes of their sub-alarms (just as they do for current, latched and acknowledgement statuses). If a sub-alarm has an operational mode set, then the virtual alarm inherits it.
If you select a virtual alarm and then set an operational mode on it, this setting is applied to all of its sub-alarms. The normal rules of inheritance then apply, so that the status of the virtual alarm ends up reflecting the mode setting of its sub-alarms.

IMPORTANT: System behavior  

You cannot directly edit the Inverted mode of a virtual alarm or alarm folder; you can only change a virtual alarm’s Inverted mode indirectly: by changing the Inverted mode of one or more of its primitive alarms.

In the case of virtual alarms, such as in a Source selector panel, the overall status icons for suppressed alarms reflect their real status, but in a darker shade, as shown below.

[ Graphic ] 

An operator can right-click the status icon for any alarm (including virtual alarms) to snooze the alarm or manually activate or deactivate its operational mode, through the shortcut menu. In the case of a virtual alarm, the selected mode will be applied to all of the constituent sub-alarms.