Configuring Devices & Services > Detailed Directions > Getting Alarm Keys

Getting Alarm Keys

Each alarm provided by a given Densité, GeckoFlex, or Imaging series card has an associated value, or key, that serves as a unique identifier. An alarm’s URI, for example, contains its key. The alarm key can also be useful when creating scripts.
It is possible to save a list of a card’s alarms and associated keys in a CSV file that can be viewed in any text editor or spreadsheet application.
Before beginning this procedure, make sure you have opened iC Navigator (click HERE).
1. In iC Navigator, double-click a card to open its control panel, and then click Alarm config.
System Response: The Alarm configuration window appears.
2. Click Get alarm keys.

[ Graphic ]  

3. In the Save window, specify a location and type a name for the CSV file, and then click Save.
System Response: A CSV file is created in the specified location.
4. Open the CSV file to view a list of the card’s alarms, the associated keys, as well as the currently configured Overall and GSM contributions.