Getting Started with iControl > Getting Started Workflow > Task 4: Configuring Client Workstations > Connecting to the Application Server
Connecting to the Application Server
At this point, you should verify that the iControl Application Server is available on your network.
1. From a workstation on the same subnet, open a Web browser window and type the IP address of the newly-configured iControl Application Server. You should see the iControl—Startup page.
2. Alternatively, you can use the ping command by performing the following sub-steps:
a) On the Start menu of the client PC, point to All Programs, and then to Accessories, and click Command Prompt.
b) Type the following:
where AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD is the Application Server’s new IP address.
System Response: A small window should briefly appear with a message similar to the following:
Reply from AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=62