Logs > Sample Workflows > [Workflow]: Working with Incidents

[Workflow]: Working with Incidents

The following example illustrates the life cycle of an incident. Let’s say you have noticed an intermittent input signal loss on a particular card (an alarm keeps going from green to red and back in iC Navigator or on a Web page). There could be a number of reasons for this: a problem with the card itself, a faulty cable, or a problem further upstream in the signal path. Because the error comes and goes, it may be difficult to diagnose. By treating the problem as an incident, you can use iControl to track the series of associated events, and better manage the process of diagnosing and resolving the root cause.
Incident lifecycle  
Create an incident template using Event Log Viewer (click HERE).
View the incident details (click HERE).
Attach a comment to the incident (click HERE).
Escalate the incident (click HERE)..
Acknowledge the incident (click HERE).
Explore the incident’s details (click HERE).
Resolve the incident (click HERE).
Clear the incident (click HERE).