iControl and SNMP > Detailed Directions > Preparing an Application Server (as SNMP Agent) to use SNMPv3 > Miscellaneous User Configuration Tasks
Miscellaneous User Configuration Tasks


Make sure you meet the following conditions before beginning this procedure: 
The SNMPv3 commissioning procedure has already been performed once for this Application Server (click HERE).
You have logged into your Application Server with a PuTTY secure shell and have changed directories to iControl’s snmpd directory (click HERE).
In your PuTTY secure shell, type one of the following commands according to your needs:

[ Table ] 

To do this...
...do this...
List all existing user profiles.
Type the following in your PuTTY secure shell:
./usersnmpv3 list
Test a user profile.
Type the following in your PuTTY secure shell:
./usersnmpv3 test