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Accessing a K2 SAN from multiple PCs

It is recommended that you install the SiteConfig application and the K2 System Configuration (K2Config) application on one PC only in your facility. This eliminates potential problems in the installation, configuration, and maintenance of your K2 SAN.

If you run SiteConfig and/or the K2Config application on multiple PCs in your facility, you must enforce an operational policy whereby you constrain your use of the applications as follows:

  • Designate a control point PC as the configuration PC and then make changes from that PC only.

  • On the other control point PCs, limit operations to view-only when accessing the K2 SAN. Do not make changes. With the K2Config application there is some basic protection, in that the first instance of the application in essence “locks out” any other instances. However, SiteConfig has no such protection and making changes on devices from multiple SiteConfig instances can result in configuration and software deployment errors.

SiteConfig has no features that are designed to support access from multiple instances. If you access systems from multiple instances of SiteConfig, you must define and enforce your own policy. For example, you can import system descriptions or otherwise create systems and discover devices in each instance of SiteConfig and then enforce policy whereby instances are kept in synch.

  1. Install Control Point software on the designated K2Config control point PC and complete the initial system configuration. Close the K2Config application on that PC.
  2. Install Control Point software on another control point PC and open the K2Config application.
  3. Select Retrieve Configuration and enter the name or IP address of the K2 Media Server for the K2 SAN. If the K2 SAN has multiple K2 Media Servers, you must enter the name or IP address of the server configured first. If there is another instance of the K2Config application on a different control point PC currently accessing the K2 SAN, a message informs you of this and you are not allowed to access the system. If access is allowed, a Retrieving Configuration message box shows progress. It can take over 30 seconds to retrieve the configuration. When the configuration is retrieved, the K2 SAN appears in the tree view. Make sure that you only attempt view-only operations from this PC. Do not configure the K2 SAN from this PC.
  4. Repeat the previous steps for other control point PCs from which you need access to the K2 SAN.

When you expand and select nodes in the tree view to view K2 SANs, individual devices, and configuration settings, the K2Config application displays information as found in a configuration file, rather than continuously polling devices to get their latest information. The configuration file is saved on the V: drive, along with the media files in the shared storage system. When you use the Retrieve Configuration feature, you are connecting to the configuration file.

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