Other Topic Library Versions

Manage multiple K2 Media Servers

Do not do this task if:

  • You are upgrading a K2 SAN with only one K2 Media Server. Skip ahead and begin upgrading your K2 Media Server.

Do this task if:

  • You are upgrading a basic (non-redundant) K2 SAN with multiple servers. This means you have just one K2 Media Server that takes the role of media file system/database server and one or more other K2 Media Servers dedicated to other roles, such as FTP server.
  • You are upgrading a redundant K2 SAN. This means you have two K2 Media Servers (primary and backup) that take the role of media file system/database server.
Note: If the K2 SAN has multiple K2 Media Servers, you must upgrade all to the same version.

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