Connecting GV STRATUS to the Cloud (AN-PUB-3-1023A-EN) File size: 199.5 KB, posted Mar 02 2022 Cloud technologies are becoming more common for media asset management tools. Many GV STRATUS users are looking for ways to improve collaboration between teams by federating content across sites, but are reticent to move everything to the cloud in one step.
GV STRATUS System Upgrades and Migrations Application Note by Alex Lakey, (AN-PUB-2-0670C-EN) File size: 1.5 MB, posted Jul 29 2020 GV STRATUS has been available to customers since 2011 and has been deployed in over 300 customer sites worldwide.
Grass Valley provides Service Agreements (SA) to cover the hardware and software within these systems, which most customers purchase as part of the system sale. However, the hardware parts in the systems cannot be warrantied beyond five years in a standard SA agreement, meaning many customer systems will now require their hardware components to be replaced to extend the life of their systems (and to stay under a Support Agreement).
This document explains the Server Upgrade Package options which Grass Valley can offer to customers from GV STRATUS v6.0 onwards.
Grupo Multimedios, Mexio
Grupo Multimedios manages dozens of television stations across Mexico and the Southwestern U.S., and plans to expand production to even more channels and locations next year. The Monterrey-based network of Mexican stations needed a production solution that would help them create high-quality content for existing and future channels. As the company expands to new channels and new cities, they required a provider with industry-leading solutions and a strong local presence.
The Challenge
To be at the forefront of technology with commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and a virtualized environment for news production.
The Grass Valley Solution
A combination of integrated Grass Valley production and content management solutions, that includes CISCO and Isilon COTS hardware.
GV STRATUS Video Production & Content Management System Datasheet (DS-PUB-3-0669A-EN) File size: 1.5 MB, posted Oct 25 2021 Modular video production and content management toolset for ingest, editing, distribution, archive and retrieval management. User benefits include better efficiency through workflow automation, ease of use, and scalability all combining to make GV STRATUS a prime enabler for producing more content, faster.