ANO Sports Broadcasting (Panorama) was founded as an autono-mous nonprofit organization by OJSC Channel One, FGUP VGTRK, OJSC NTV-PLUS and the RIA Novosti news agency on December 24, 2009. Russia's Deputy Prime Minister is the head of the Supervisory Board.
The Challenge
Panorama's mission is to provide a national HDTV signal to enable millions of viewers in Russia to watch the Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi in 2014, as well as the XXVII World Summer University Games in Kazan in 2013.
The Grass Valley Solution
This project is too large for any one technology provider to create an entire end-to-end solution. Panorama is in the process of creating a multivendor production platform where the most important pre-requi-site for any supplier is that the equipment supplied is "state-of- the-art and capable of keeping abreast of the very latest developments in broadcast technology."
NEP The Netherlands Migration to IP Case Study (GVB-1-0782A-EN-CS) File size: 1.8 MB, posted Mar 08 2019 NEP The Netherlands select Grass Valley technology to fulfill their current needs and facilitate their migration to their IP future vision.
With a worldwide heritage in live production switchers from designing the first true multiformat switcher to the creative power and flexibility of switchers that offer all formats from SD to 4K UHD, and connectivity allowing you to mix traditional SDI and IP Grass Valley brings you the Kahuna family of production switchers.
The Kahuna 6400 and Kahuna 9600 offer more firepower and flexibility in the Kahuna family than ever before, including 4K UHD and HDR capabilities across all Kahuna switchers.
Together with Kahuna Maverik Grass Valley's Kahuna family switcher control surface the Kahuna family provides a large feature set, including more power for M/E functionality and enhanced DVE resize engines.
Remote Production Over IP: The new IP World has Emerged Whitepaper (GVB-1-0718B-EN-WP) File size: 1.3 MB, posted Mar 04 2019 Ultra high IP network speeds of typically 100 GbE, coupled with very low latency, are proving to be a game-changer for transport and switching of uncompressed 4K UHD and/or HD. As such, the concept of televising a remote event under control from a centralized production studio has rapidly evolved into an attractive option.
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