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Active Products
1RU32LCDBK-K: 32-Button LCD DC Powered Control Panel
1RU40LEDBK-K: 40-Button LED DC Powered Control Panel
6026-RC Series: 2 RU LCD Mains Powered Control Panels
6026KKTRCSB: 2 RU LCD Button with Display
7028-RC Series: 1 RU Shallow Depth, DC Powered Control Panels
ADA-1023: Dual (Stereo) Analog Audio DA
ADC-1722: Dual Analog Audio to AES Converter
ADVC G1 A: Any In to SDI Converter and Up/Downconverter with Frame Synchronizer
ADVC Video Converters
ADVC1000 - Broadcast-Quality SDI/DV, DV/SDI Converter
ADX-1842: HD/SD 4 AES De-Embedder
ADX-1901: 3G/HD/SD 8 Channel Analog Audio De-embedder
ADX-3981: 8 AES Audio and Metadata De-Embedder
Alchemist File Turnkey: Hardware-Based Faultless Framerate Conversion
Alchemist File: Software-Based Faultless Framerate Conversion
Alchemist Live: Motion-compensated Framerate Conversion for Live Media Streams
AMPP Alchemist FRC
AMPP Elastic Recoder
AMX-1842: HD/SD 4 AES Embedder
AMX-1901: 3G/HD/SD 8 Channel Analog Audio Embedder
AMX-3981: 3G/HD/SD 8 AES Audio and Metadata Embedder
ATP-2000: Advanced Touch Panel
Audio Bridge Terminal: Flexible Discrete Audio Input Panel
Audio Hardware Options (MOD-DOLBY Series)
Audio Live: Router for Live Multi-Stream IP Audio Processing
Audio Processing Sub-Modules (MOD-DOLBY Series)
Audio Processing Sub-Modules: Optional Audio Processing for Densité Cards
Automatic Loudness Control (ALC): Solutions Which Prevent Excessive Audio Jumps
BIAMP Microphone Mixer
C2IP Camera Control System
Cisco Data Center Network Manager
Cisco Nexus 9200 Series
Cisco Nexus 9300-EX Series
Cisco Nexus 9500 Series
Compact Router System Configurator (CRSC)
Creative Grading: Camera Shading Control Panel and Tablet Application
Custom Service-Level Agreements
Customer Support Agreements
DAC-1721: Dual AES to Analog Audio Converter
DDA-1113: AES DA (75 ohm)
DDA-1133: AES DA (110 ohm)
Densité 2 Frame
Densité 3 Frame
Densité 3 Mini
Densité 3+ FR1 Frame
Densité 3+ FR4 Frame
Digital Camera Monitoring
Digital Playout Solutions
DSK-3901: 3G/HD/SD Downstream Keyer
DXF-4K: Optical AV Media Extender
EAP-3901: 3G/HD/SD Embedded Audio and Metadata Processor
EdgeVision Multichannel Quality of Experience Monitoring
EDIUS Workgroup 9
EDIUS X Workgroup
EDIUS X Workgroup Turnkey 4K UHD/4K DCI Nonlinear Editing Workstation: HDWS 4K3 X (APAC Only)
EyeCatcher EC 2-100 2-Inch Color Ocular Viewfinder
EyeCatcher EC 200 2-Inch Color LCD Ocular Viewfinder
EyeCatcher EC 744 7.4-Inch HD OLED Color Viewfinder
EyeCatcher EC 744/15 7.4-Inch HD OLED Color Viewfinder
File Turnkey Solutions
FIO-1901 Series: 3G/HD/SD SDI Optical to Electrical / Electrical to Optical Converters
Flight Cases
Framelight X
FRS-1103: SDI Frame Synchronizer/Processor/Line Sync
FRS-1801: HD/SD Frame Synchronizer
FRS-3901: 3G/HD/SD Frame Synchronizer with Embedded Audio Processor
FXC-3201: Fiber Optic Intercom Link
FXE-1501: Fiber Ethernet Transceiver
Go! Production Suite: Browser-Based Timeline Video Editor
GPI-1501: GPI I/O Module
GV Agile Media Processing Platform (AMPP)
GV AMPP Audio Mixer
GV AMPP Master Control
GV AMPP Replay Express
GV AMPP-Connected Switcher Solutions
GV AMS Pro NAS Storage
GV Convergent IP Router Control and Configuration System
GV Fabric: Compact, High-speed Ethernet Switches
GV File Framework: File Based Processing Architecture
GV Gaming & Polling: The Next Generation of Participation TV
GV GUARDIAN Remote Monitoring Solution
GV I/O: Live Ingest Using COTS Hardware
GV K-Frame XP
GV K-Frame XP Compact
GV K-Frame XP Standard
GV Korona K-Frame S-series Video Production Center
GV Korona K-Frame V-series Video Production Center
GV Media Universe (GVMU)
GV Node IPG-4901: WAN IP I/O Gateway for GV Node
GV Node Real Time IP Processing and Routing Platform
GV Orbit: Dynamic System Orchestrator for SDI, Hybrid and IP Networks
GV Pace: Production Automation Control Environment
GV STRATUS v5 Video Production & Content Management System
GV STRATUS v6 Video Production & Content Management System
GV STRATUS v6.5 Video Production & Content Management System
HCO-3901 & HCO-3901-4K: 3G/HD/SD/ASI and 4K UHD Change-Over with Clean Switch and ALC
HCO-3931: 12G/3G/HD Change-over with Clean Switch and Automatic Loudness Control
HCP-1801: HD/SD SDI Video and Embedded Audio Control Probe
HDA-1851: HD/SD/ASI DA with EQ
HDA-1911: 3G/HD/SD SDI Distribution Amplifier (DA)
HDA-1931: Dual 3G/HD/SD SDI Distribution Amplifier (DA)
HDA-1941: Single Channel 3G/HD/SD SDI Video Distribution Amplifiers
HDA-1951: Dual Channel 3G/HD/SD SDI Video Distribution Amplifiers
HDA-3911: 3G/HD/SD SDI Distribution Amplifier (DA)
HDA-3931: Dual 3G/HD/SD SDI Distribution Amplifier (DA)
HDA-3941: Single Channel 3G/HD/SD SDI Video Distribution Amplifiers
HDA-3951: Dual Channel 3G/HD/SD SDI Video Distribution Amplifiers
HDA-3962: Single/Dual 12G/3G/HD/SD-SDI Distribution Amplifier (DA) with Optional Fiber Connectivity and 12G Relay Input Bypass
HDX-Plus, Power Plus 2 & SHED
HPE-300: Hybrid Power Extender
Hyperion: Automated Intelligent Control and Monitoring
Ignite Katalyst: Programmable Automation Panel
Ignite Konnect: Integration with Ignite Production Automation
Ignite: Automation Production Control (APC)
Imagestore-Modular (ISM-3901) Single Card, 3G/HD/SD Master Control and Branding
IP I/O for K-Frame Video Processing Engine
IPG-3901: High Density SDI/IP Gateway
IPG-4901: WAN IP I/O Gateway for GV Node
IPVU: IP to HDMI Monitoring Gateway
IQAAD00: 4 Channel Audio Analog to Digital Converter
IQACO: Analog Video Changeover Switch
IQADA00: Single/Dual Channel Analog Audio Distribution Amplifier
IQADA01: Analog Audio Distribution Amplifier: 2 x 7 Outputs
IQASI25: ASI Transport Stream Switch and DA
IQASI82: Dual ASI Transport Stream Monitor and Switch
IQBRK30: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Remultiplexer for 4 AES/EBU Audio Streams
IQCAG00: IP Control Aggregation Gateway
IQCWM09-16: Fiber Optic Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing Module
IQDAA00: 4 Channel Digital to Analog Audio Converter
IQDBT105: DVB-T2 & DVB-T Monitoring Receiver
IQDCO: SDI Changeover Switch
IQDLY20/21: AES and Analog Audio Delay and Shuffler Module
IQDMX20: Frame Synchronizer with 4 Channel Analog Audio Demultiplexer
IQDMX30: 3G/HD/SD-SDI De-embedder for 8 AES/EBU Audio Streams
IQDMX31: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Demultiplexer for 4 AES/EBU Audio Streams
IQDMX34: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Demultiplexer for 8 Analog Audio Channels
IQDNC30: 3G/HD-SDI Down Converter with Frame Synchronizer
IQDNC31: Dual Channel 3G/HD-SDI Down Converter with Frame Synchronizer
IQDNC32: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Down Converter with AES I/O
IQDNC33: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Dual Down Converter with AES I/O
IQDNC34: Dual Channel 3G/HD-SDI Down Converter with Analog Outputs
IQDSDES: Monitoring Encoder and Distribution Amplifier
IQEAS00: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Embedded Audio shuffler and Processor
IQEDGE-SRV: IP Routing System Controller
IQEDGE: Compact, Powerful, Reliable IP Processing Solution
IQFDA30: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Re-clocking Distribution Amplifier with Fiber I/O
IQFDA31: Dual Channel 3G/HD/SD-SDI Re-clocking Distribution Amplifier with Fiber I/O
IQGBE40/80: Ethernet Fiber Converter with 4/8 Port Switch
IQGPI00-04: Configurable General Purpose Interface
IQH1A: IQ 1 RU Modular Enclosure
IQH3B: IQ 3 RU Modular Enclosure
IQH4B: IQ 4 RU Modular Enclosure
IQHCO50: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Signal Protection Module
IQHCO51: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Synchronized Signal Protection Module
IQHIP10: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Hyperion Intelligent Processor Module
IQLAM00: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Logo Assurance Module
IQLDK30: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Logo Inserter & Keyer
IQMBG80: 8 Channel 3G/HD/SD-SDI Media Biometrics Generator
IQMCC30: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Motion Compensated Frame Rate Converter
IQMDA40: 12G/3G/HD-SDI UHD-4K Down Converter & Distribution Amplifier
IQMIX10: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multi-Channel IP Transceiver
IQMIX25/26: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multi-Channel IP Transceiver
IQMIX40/41: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multi-Channel IP Transceiver
IQMUX30: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multiplexer for 8 AES/EBU Audio Streams
IQMUX31: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multiplexer for 4 AES/EBU Audio Streams
IQMUX34: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multiplexer for 8 Analog Audio Channels
IQORX80: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multi-Channel Fiber Receiver
IQOTR32: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Flexible Fiber Optic Interfacing Module
IQOTR40: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multi-Channel Fiber Transceiver
IQOTR45: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multichannel Fiber Transceiver
IQOTX80-84: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multi-Channel Fiber Transmitter
IQSAM00: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Signal Assurance Module
IQSDA10/11: Reclocking SD-SDI Distribution Amplifier
IQSDA30: Dual Channel 3G/HD/SD-SDI Re-clocking Distribution Amplifier with RollCall
IQSDA31: Dual Channel 3G/HD/SD-SDI Equalizing Distribution Amplifier
IQSDA32: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Re-clocking Distribution Amplifier with RollCall
IQSDA33: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Fan-out Distribution Amplifier
IQSDA34: Triple Channel 3G/HD/SD-SDI Reclocking Distribution Amplifier with RollCall
IQSDA35: Dual Channel 3G/HD/SD-SDI Reclocking Distribution Amplifier with selectable outputs
IQSDA41: 12G-SDI Re-clocking Distribution Amplifier with RollCall
IQSDA42: Multi-channel 12G-SDI Re-clocking Distribution Amplifier with RollCall
IQSPI00: Serial Port Interface with RollNet
IQSYN00: SDI Frame Synchronizer with Embedded Audio Processing
IQSYN11: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Dual Channel Frame Synchronizer
IQSYN31: Dual 3G/HD/SD-SDI Frame Synchronizer with Embedded Audio Processing
IQSYN50: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Frame Synchronizer
IQSYN51: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Frame Synchronizer with advanced audio processing
IQTIC00: Third Party IP Control Module
IQUCP25: Universal Compute Processor for 25 GbE IP Systems
IQUCP50: Universal Compute Processor for 50 GbE IP Systems
IQUDC30: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Up, Down and Cross Converter
IQUDC31: Dual Channel 3G/HD/SD-SDI Up, Down and Cross Converter
IQUDC32: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Up, Down and Cross Converter with AES I/O
IQUDC34: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Universal Up, Down and Cross Converter
IQUPC32: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Up Converter with AES I/O
IQUPC33: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Dual Up Converter with AES I/O
IQVDA00/01: Analog Video Distribution Amplifier with RollCall Control
IQVDA02/03: Analog Video Distribution Amplifier
IRD-3802: MPEG Decoder with ASI and GigE IP Inputs
IRG-3401: High Density ASI/IP Gateway
K-Frame Compact
K-Frame Standard
K-Frame V-series
K2 Application Software
K2 Dyno Replay System
K2 EDIUS Connect
K2 Production Storage
K2 TX/MAM Asset Management System
Kahuna Maverik Soft Panel: 1 M/E Soft Panel Windows 10 GUI for Grass Valley Kahuna 9600, 6400 & 4800 Frames
Kaleido-IP: Video Multiviewer
Kaleido-Modular-X: High Picture Count, Ultra-Flexible and Scalable Multiviewer (up to 64x4)
Kaleido-MX 4K: Ultra High-Definition Multiviewer
Kaleido-MX: High Quality, Pre-Configured Multiviewer (up to 64x4)
Kaleido-RCP2: Ethernet Remote Control Panel and KM Gateway
Kaleido-Solo: High-Quality Video and Loudness Monitoring with 3G/HD/SD SDI to HDMI Conversion
Karrera K-Frame V-series
Karrera Video Production Center
Kayenne Video Production Center
KMX-3921: Scalable Kaleido Multiviewer for Densité 3+ FR1 and FR4 Frames
KMX-4921: Kaleido HDR-Ready Multiviewer for GV Node
Kronos File: Media Re-timing
Kudos LC350 Series
KudosPro LC2000 Series
KudosPro LC4000 Series
KudosPro MC1000 Series
KudosPro MC2000 Series
KudosPro SV2000 Series
KudosPro SV4000 Series
KudosPro UHD1200
KudosPro ULC2000
KudosPro UMC1000
KudosPro: Single, Dual and Quad Channel Format and Frame-Rate Conversion
KXI-DVI-Bridge: Graphic-to-HD/SD Video Interface
LCD Control Panel Series
LDK 4420 3G Twin Base Station
LDK 4502 SL SlimLine HDTV Camera Base Station
LDK 4506 HD Fiber and HD Triax Base Stations
LDK 4580 Triax HD Speed Base Station
LDK 4582 HD Fiber Base Station
LDK 4583 HD High-Speed Fiber Base Station
LDK 8000 Elite Multi-Format HD Camera
LDK 8000 SportElite Multi-Format Slow Motion Camera
LDK 8300 Super Slo-Mo HD Camera
LDX 100 Camera
LDX 100 Series Camera Platform
LDX 135 Camera
LDX 150 Camera
LDX 90 Series Camera Platform
LDX 92 Camera
LDX 96 Camera
LDX 98 Camera
LDX C135 Camera
LDX C150 Camera
LDX C92 Camera
LDX C96 Camera
LDX C98 Camera
LGK-3901 3G/HD/SD Channel Branding Processor
Little-Red: Linear Timecode to RS-232
Live Producer X
LiveTouch X
LUMO Series: High Density Fiber Converters
Luna 6026-RC Series 2RU Control Panels
Luna 7028-RC Series 1RU Control Panels
Maestro SD/HD Branding And Master Control
MAP-3901: 3G/HD/SD Metadata and Embedded Audio Processor
Masterpiece 12G-SDI Master Control Switcher: 12G-SDI Connectivity for SD/HD/3G/4K UHD Master Control
Masterpiece IP: IP Master Control Switcher
Masterpiece Master Control Switcher Family: SD, HD, 3G and 4K UHD Master Control Switchers
Maverik Control Panel: Modular Production Switcher Panel
MDX-3901: 12G/3G/HD 16 Audio Channel AES/MADI Embedder/De-embedder
Media Assurance
Media Biometrics
Media Conversion Software
Momentum v5: Media Asset Management and Workflow Automation
Mync 1
NetCentral Remote Control and Monitoring Software
NetConfig Network Configuration Tool
News Solution
NV9000: Router Control System
NV9601: X-Y/Multi-destination Panel
NV9603A: 1 RU XY Control Panel
NV9605: 1 RU Multimode Paging Shallow Panel W/3 Disp.
NV9606: 1 RU High-Density Button Multi-Function Panel
NV9616A: 2 RU 16 Position Multi-Destination Panel
NV9640A: 2 RU LCD X-Y Control Panel
NV9641A: 1 RU LCD Control Panel
NV9642: 1 RU High-Density 34 LCD Button Router Control Panel
NV9646: 1 RU High-Density 46 LCD Button Router Control Panel
NV9648: 2 RU Half-Rack wide Server/ Multi-Mode Router Control Panel
NV9649: 2 RU Half-Rack Wide Client/ Multi-Mode Router Control Panel
NV9654: 2 RU High-Density 54 LCD Button Router Control Panel
NV9680-K: 2 RU High-Density 80 LCD Button Router Control Panel
NV9680: 2 RU High-Density 80 LCD Button GV Orbit Control Panel
NVISION Compact CQX: 3Gbps/HD/SD Router with Clean and Quiet Switching
OB Van Type DSNG
OB Van Type L
OB Van Type M
OB Van Type XL
OCP 400 Operational Control Panel
PartsPRO Advanced Parts and Fast Delivery
Playout X
Professional Services
QSFP+ Pluggable Mid-Range Transceiver Module (ESR4)
QSFP+ Pluggable Short-Range Transceiver Module (SR4)
Quasar File: Delivering Faultless Format Conversion - In Software
REF-1801: Reference Module with Optional Sync Pulse Generator
RefleX SuperXpander (LDK 4475)
REXCEED W2000/W4000 Workstation (Japan Only)
Rio for Brodcast: Editing for Everyone from News to Production
Rio for Post: High Performance Online Editing, Color and Finishing for HD, 4K UHD, 4K DCI and 8K UHD
RollCall Middleware Services (RollMIDSRV): System Logging and Monitoring Services for RollCall
RollCall: Control and Monitoring System
RollPod 1 RU: Configurable Control Panel
RollPod 3 RU: Configurable Control Panel
RollUSB: RollCall USB Interface Unit
RPAN: RollCall Remote Control Panel
RPAN: Router Control Panel
SCP1: 1 RU Hardware Control Panel for Sirius Compact Routers
SCP2: 2 RU Hardware Control Panel for Sirius Compact Routers
SCR 1616-12G: Sirius Compact Router
SCR 3232-12G: Sirius Compact Router
SCR 6464-12G: Sirius Compact Router
SDA-1402: ASI Distribution Amplifier with EQ and Reclocking
Service/Support Documentation
ServicePRO Comprehensive Service Contract With Telephone Support
SFP-ETH-RT-M85-LC: 850 nm / 1.25 Gb/s Multimode SFP Transceiver
SFP-ETH10G-CXX-LC: CWDM / 10.3 Gb/s Single Mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-ETH10G-RT-M85-LC: 850 nm / 10.3 Gb/s Multimode SFP Transceiver
SFP-ETH10G-RT-S13-LC: 1310 nm / 10.3 Gb/s Single Mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-ETH10G-RT-W27-LC: WDM / 10.3 Gb/s Single Mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-ETH10G-RT-W33-LC: WDM / 10.3 Gb/s Single Mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-R-LC: Single Channel Optical Receiver Cartridge with Simplex LC
SFP-RR-LC: Dual Channel Optical Receiver Cartridge with Duplex LC
SFP-RT-S13-LC: 1310 nm Optical Transceiver Cartridge with Duplex LC
SFP-T-S13-LC: Single Channel 1310 nm Optical Transmitter Cartridge with Simplex LC
SFP-TT-S13S13-LC: Dual Channel 1310 nm Optical Transmitter Cartridge with Duplex LC
SFP-U-R-LC: 12 Gb/s Single Channel Optical Receiver Cartridge with Simplex LC
SFP-U-RR-LC: 12 Gb/s Dual Channel Optical Receiver Cartridge with Duplex LC
SFP-U-RT-S13-LC: 12 Gb/s 1310 nm Optical Transceiver Cartridge with Duplex LC
SFP-U-T-S13-LC: 12 Gb/s Single Channel 1310 nm Optical Transmitter Cartridge with Simplex LC
SFP-U-TT-S13S13-LC: 12 Gb/s Dual Channel 1310 nm Optical Transmitter Cartridge with Duplex LC
Sirius Compact Routers: 12G SDI Compact Video Routers
SiteConfig Network Configuration & Software Deployment Application
SPG-1801: Sync Pulse Generator
Sportcam 1657D
Sportcam 1707
StartPRO Commissioning Professional Services
STORM 3G - 3G 3G-SDI Editing with HDMI Monitoring Output
Studio A
Studio B
Studio C
SuperXpander Kit
Support & Services Documentation
T3 Series: Intelligent Dynamic Digital Recorder
TechPRO Comprehensive Service Contract With On-Site Support
Tektronix® ECO8000 Automatic Changeover Unit
Tektronix® SPG8000A Master Sync / Master Clock Reference Generator
Telos Infinity VIP on AMPP
Thor Series
Triax Repeater
UCP-3901: Universal Compute Processor for Densité 3+
UDC-3901: 3G/HD/SD Up/Down/Crossconverter with Audio and Metadata Processor
Under Monitor Display Series
VDA-1002: Analog Video/Tri-level Sync Distribution Amplifier
VEA-1002: Analog Video Distribution Amplifier with EQ
VF 700-H Viewfinder: 7-inch IPS LCD Color Viewfinder
VF7-100X Viewfinder: 7-inch Flat Panel Color Viewfinder
VFR 600-H Viewfinder: 7-inch Economic LCD Color Viewfinder
VFR 700-H Viewfinder: 7-inch Economic LCD Color Viewfinder
WDA-1001: Word Clock Distribution Amplifier
XCU (eXchangeable Control Unit) Camera Transmission System
XCU HD/4K XF IP System
XCU WorldCam Camera Base Station
xFile Framework: File Based Processing Architecture
XIO-4901 3G/HD/SD SDI Input/Output Card with Monitoring and Audio De-Embedding/Embedding
XIP-3901: Agile Modular SDI/IP Processing Platform for Densité 3+
XIP-3911: Agile Modular SDI/IP Processing Platform for Densité 3+
XRE Transcoder
XRE Transcoder 9
XVP-1801: HD/SD Up/Down/Crossconverter with AFD
XVP-3901 Series (except XVP-3901-DPI)
XVP-3901-DC Densité Downconversion: 3G/HD/SD Downconverter with Optional Audio Processor
XVP-3901-DPI Densité Digital Program Insertion: 3G/HD/SD DPI Inserter/Extractor with Frame Sync
XVP-3901-FS Densité Frame Sync: 3G/HD/SD Frame Sync/ARC with Optional Audio Processor
XVP-3901-FS-R Densité Frame Sync: 3G/HD/SD Frame Sync Optimized for Rears with Bypass Relay
XVP-3901-UC Densité Upconversion: 3G/HD/SD Upconverter with Optional Audio Processor
XVP-3901-XC Densité Crossconversion: 3G/HD Crossconverter with Optional Audio Processor
Zoom Grip
Discontinued & Supported Products
1310 Fiber-Ready SFP Optical Devices
2-Inch CRT Viewfinder (LDK 5302)
2000GEN Genlock Reference Module
2000NET Network Interface Module
2010RDA AES/EBU Digital Audio Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
2010RDA-16 AES/EBU Digital Audio Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
2011RDA-110 AES/EBU Digital Audio Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
2020ADC 4-Channel Audio A-to-D Converter
2020DAC 4-Channel Audio D-to-A Converter
2030RDA SD Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
2031RDA-MM SD Reclocking Distribution Amplifier with Multi-Mode Fiber I/F
2031RDA-SM SD Reclocking Distribution Amplifier with Single-Mode Fiber I/F
2040RDA Wideband Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
2040RDA-9 Wideband Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
2040RDA-FR Fiber Ready Wideband Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
2040RDA16-FR Fiber Ready Wideband Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
2041EDA Wideband Rear Equalizing Distribution Amplifier
2041RDA Wideband Rear Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
2042EDA Dual Wideband Equalizing Distribution Amplifier
2090MDC HDTV Monitoring Down-Converter
3DX-3901: Stereoscopic 3D Video Processor (3G/HD)
3G Fiber Camera Transmission
3G Triax Camera Transmission
7-Inch CRT Viewfinder (LDK 4021)
7-Inch LCD Viewfinder (LDK 5307)
7510 Series Modules
7600REF Reference Generator
7620PX Reference Generator Changeover
8503 Precision Analog Video Distribution Amplifier
8504 Analog Video Delay Distribution Amplifier
8506 Video Clamping Distribution Amplifier
8800 Utility Video Distribution Amplifier
8801 Video Distribution Amplifier
8802 Equalizing Distribution Amplifier
8900FSS 4:2:2 Frame Synchronizer/Delay Submodule
8900GEN-SM GeckoFlex Genlock Submodule
8900NET Network Interface Module
8901 Utility Analog Video Distribution Amplifier
8902 Analog Video Equalizing Distribution Amplifier
8906 Analog Video Clamping Equalizing Distribution Amplifier With SNMP
8910ADA-M Monaural Analog Audio Distribution Amplifier
8910ADA-SR Stereo Analog Audio Distribution Amplifier With Remote Control
8910ADA-ST Stereo Analog Audio Distribution Amplifier
8911 AES/EBU Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
8912RDA AES Reclocking Digital Audio Distribution Amplifier
8912RDA-D Dual AES Reclocking Digital Audio Distribution Amplifier
8914 Dual AES/EBU Digital Audio Delay Distribution Amplifier
8916 AES/EBU Auto-Tracking Digital Audio Delay Distribution Amplifier
8920ADC Audio A-to-D Converter
8920ADT Audio A-to-D Converter Width Audio Tracking Delay
8920DAC Audio D-to-A Converter
8920DMX Video/Audio Demultiplexer
8920MUX Video/Audio Multiplexer
8921ADT Four-Channel Audio A-to-D Converter With Delay Tracking
8921DAC Four-Channel Audio D-to-A Converter With Delay
8925DMB-B HD/SD Balanced Audio De-Embedder
8925DMB-U HD/SD Unbalanced Audio De-Embedder
8925EMB-B HD/SD Balanced Audio Embedder
8925EMB-U HD/SD Unbalanced Audio Embedder
8931 Digital Video Fanout Distribution Amplifier
8935CF 4-Channel Electrical to 4-Channel Fiber-Optic Conversion Module
8935FC 4-Channel Fiber-Optic to 4-Channel Electrical Conversion Module
8936 Auto Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
8937 SDI/ASI Reclocking Equalizing Distribution Amplifier
8937D Dual SDI/ASI Reclocking Equalizing Distribution Amplifier
8939FCA/8939FCB Fiber-Optic Mux/Demux Modules
8941 Component Digital Video Monitoring Distribution Amplifier
8943CF 4-Channel Electrical to 4-Channel Fiber-Optic Conversion Module
8943FC 4-Channel Fiber-Optic to 4-Channel Electrical Conversion Module
8943RDA SD/HD/3G-SDI Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
8943RDA-D Dual SD/HD/3G-SDI Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
8943RDA-DFR Fiber-Ready SD/HD/3G-SDI Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
8945EDA HD Front Equalizing Distribution Amplifier
8945EDA-D Dual HD Front Equalizing Distribution Amplifier
8947RDA-D Dual HD Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
8947RDA-FR Fiber Ready HD Reclocking Distribution Amplifier
8949MDA-CFR PAL/NTSC Monitoring Distribution Amplifier
8949MDA-CXF PAL/NTSC Monitoring Distribution Amplifier
8949MDA-SFR SDI Monitoring Distribution Amplifier
8949MDA-SXF SDI Monitoring Distribution Amplifier
8949SVM HD-, SD-SDI Viewing Module
8950ADC Component A-to-D Converter
8950DAC Component D-to-A Converter
8960DEC NTSC/PAL-to-SDI Decoder
8960ENC SDI-to-NTSC/PAL Encoder
8964DEC Four-Channel NTSC/PAL-to-SDI Decoder
8964ENC Four-Channel SDI-to-NTSC/PAL Encoder
8964FS Four-Channel SDI Frame Synchronizer
8964MON Four-Channel SDI to NTSC/PAL Monitoring Converter
8972PX Protection Switch
8977AP-4B Digital Audio Processor - Balanced I/O
8977AP-4U Digital Audio Processor - Unbalanced I/O
8980TLS Tri-Level SYNC Generator
8981FS SDI Frame Synchronizer/Delay
8981NR 270 Mb/s SDI Noise Reducer Module
8985FS SD/HD Frame Synchronizer
8985FSP SD/HD Frame Synchronizer with Proc. Amp and Color Corrector
8985PRC SD/HD Video Processing Amplifier
8990ARC SDI Aspect Ratio Converter
8995DNC Broadcast-Quality Downconverter and Frame Synchronizer
8995UDX Up/Down/Crossconverter and Frame Synchronizer
8995UPC Broadcast-Quality Upconverter and Frame Synchronizer
9-Inch LCD Viewfinder (LDK 5309)
AAP-1741: 4-Channel Analog Audio Processor
Acappella Multi-Format Routing Switcher
ADA-1033: Dual (Stereo) Audio DA with Remote Gain
ADC-1101: Component Analog to SDI Converter
Adder II Modular Audio, Intercom and Data Multiplexing System
ADVC G1 - Any In to SDI Multi-Functional Converter/Upconverter with Frame Synchronizer
ADVC G2 - HDMI & SDI to Analog & SDI Multi-Functional Converter/Upconverter with Frame Synchronizer
ADVC G3 - 2X SDI to HDMI 1.4 Converter/Multiplexer with 3D Support
ADVC G4 - Sync Generator with Reference In
ADVC-HD50 - Real-Time HDMI-To-HDV Conversion
ADVC-HDM1 - Real-Time HD-SDI/HDV Converter
ADVC-HDSC1 - HD-SDI/SD-SDI-To-Component Converter
ADVC110 - High-Quality A/D, D/A Converter
ADVC300 - Pro-Quality A/D, D/A Converter
ADVC3000 - Broadcast-Quality A/D/SDI Converter
ADVC55 - Compact A/D Conversion
ADVC700 - Broadcast-Quality A/D, D/A Converter
ADVCmini - Video Capture Solution
ADX-1101: Analog Audio De-Embedder
ADX-1121: 2 AES De-Embedder
ADX-1841 and ADX-1851
ADX-1881: HD/SD 8 AES De-Eembedder
AMC-1901: 3G/HD/SD 8 Channel Analog Audio Embedder
AMS Express NAS Storage
AMS Pro NAS Storage
AMX-1101: Analog Audio Embedder
AMX-1121: 2 AES Embedder
AMX-1841: 4 AES HD/SD Embedder
AMX-1881: HD/SD 8 AES Embedder
Analog Triax Transmission System
Apex Large Audio Routing Switcher
ASI-Bridge CAM
Aurora Browse Asset-Management Solution
Aurora Edit Fast-Turn Nonlinear Editor
Aurora Ingest Ingest-Management Solution
Aurora Playout Coordinated Playback Solution
Aurora Transfer
AXINO: Multi-Program, IP Transport Stream Loudness Processor
Branding Panel: Highly Graphical, Touchscreen Branding Control Panel
CameraMan 3-CCD Digital Broadcast Camera System
CameraMan 3e General Pan/Tilt Camera System
CameraMan 3e Presenter autoTRACK Camera System
CameraMan 3e Student Camera System
CameraMan ANALOG Robotic Camera System
CameraMan CONTROL Center (No Longer Available)
CameraMan Control Keypad
CameraMan Personal Locator System (No Longer Available)
CCU 1685 Triax CCU
CCU 1686 Triax CCU
CCU DT500 Digital Triax CCU
Channel Composer
Cobalt Playlist Management Software
Cobra 2DT: Fiber Optic Camera Interface for Sony HD Digital Triax Camera Systems
CommandCenter Broadcast System Control
CommLink Model FXC-S201 Fiber Optic Intercom Link
CommLink Model TR6442i Fiber Optic Intercom Link
Compact Venus Routing Switcher
Concerto Series Compact Routing Matrix
CopperHead 3050
CopperHead 3200
CopperHead 3400
CopperHead 3404
CopperHead 3430AP
CopperHead CHRCP-2050-A
CopperHead Pro
CWDM Optical Modules: 4/8/16/18 Channel CWDM Optical Mux/Demux Modules
DAP-1781: 8-Channel Digital Audio Processor
DCO-1741: 2 AES Audio Change-over with Silent Switch Option
DCO-1781: 4 AES Audio Change-over with Silent Switch Option
DCR 240 DVCPRO Desktop Editing VTR
DCR 655 DVCPRO Editing VTR
DCR 85 DVCPRO Laptop Editor
DCR 940 DVCRO50 Studio Player
DCR 95 DVCPRO50 VTR Laptop Editor
DCR 950 DVCPRO50 Studio VTR
DCR 960 DVCPRO50 Studio VTR
DD10 Series Production Switcher
DD35-2 Series Production Switcher
DD35-2S Series Production Switcher
DD35-3 Series Production Switcher
DD35-4 Series Production Switcher
DEC-1003: 10-bit Composite to SDI Decoder with Probing Option
DEC-1023: 12-bit 3D Composite to SDI Decoder with Probing Option
DiamondBack Series
DigiLink Cost-Effective SD Digital Transmission System
Digital Picture Manipulator
Digital Triax Transmission System
Digital Wireless Triax Camera System
Discontinued & Supported (LTPS) KudosPro IQ
Discontinued & Supported (LTPS) KudosPro: High Quality Standards Conversion for all Framerates
DV-Bridge CAM
DVI-Ramp 2 Graphic to HD/SD Video Interface
DXF-200: Optical Extension System for DVI and HDMI
DXF-300: 3G SDI over Fiber to HDMI Converter
EAP-3101: SD Embedded Audio and Metadata Processor
EDIUS - Nonlinear, Multi-Format Editing
EDIUS 4K UHD Workstation: HDWS 4K3 (APAC Only)
EDIUS Elite 1.0 - Edit Collaboratively
EDIUS Elite 7.0 - Edit Collaboratively
EDIUS Express 1.0 - Enjoy Editing
EDIUS HD Turnkey Workstation
EDIUS HDLE Turnkey Workstation
EDIUS Neo 2 - Affordable Nonlinear Editing
EDIUS Neo 2 Booster
EDIUS Neo 3 - Create Anything
EDIUS Neo 3.5 - Create Anything
EDIUS NX Turnkey Workstation
EDIUS Pro 6.5 - Edit Anything
EDIUS Pro 7.0 - Edit Anything
EDIUS SP - Complete Analog, DV, HDV
EDIUS SP Turnkey Workstation
EDIUS Workgroup 8
ENC-1103: SDI to Composite/CAV/RGB Encoder
EyeCatcher EC 270 2.7-Inch Color LCD Ocular Viewfinder
FeedClip Interactive Feed Capture System
Fiber Media Converter Devices
Fibre Channel Networking
FIO-991p Series: 3G/HD/SD SDI Optical to Electrical / Electrical to Optical Converters
FIRECODER Blu - Accelerated Blu-ray Encoder & More
FLO-1601: L-Band to Fiber Transmitter
Focus 70 Live (APAC Only): Highly Affordable HD System Cameras
Focus 75 Live: Highly Affordable 720p/1080i Switchable HD System Cameras
FOL-1601: Fiber to L-Band Receiver
Gecko 8900 Chassis
Gecko 8900 Family (all products)
Gecko 8900 Signal Processing System
GeckoFlex Flexible Chassis Supporting Audio/Video/Fiber Modules
Grass Valley Open SAN System
Grass Valley Programmable Controller
GV Alyve: Cloud-based Stream Selection and Distribution Tool
GV Director Nonlinear Live Production System
GV Edge Integrated Playout System (formerly Smart Playout Center) (K2 Edge) System
GV Edge Integrated Playout System (formerly Smart Playout Center) Workflow
GV ION AMS Pro NAS Storage
GV K-Frame X
GV Matrix: Compact Advanced SDI Router with Integrated Multiviewer
GV Playout Express
GV STRATUS Newsroom Bundles
GV STRATUS One: All-In-One Media Production Platform
GVeous Digital Video Effects System
HCO-1822: HD/SD/ASI Change-Over with Clean Switch
HD Wireless Camera System
HD-Bridge DEC
HD-POV Series
HDA-1861: Reclocked HD/SD/ASI DA with EQ
HDA-3961: Single/Dual 12G/3G/HD/SD-SDI Distribution Amplifier (DA) with Optional Fiber Connectivity
HDSTORM/HDSTORM Plus - HDMI -Based Editing
HDTHUNDER - HD/SD-SDI-Based Editing & HDMI Output
HLP-1801: HD/SD Lip Sync Probe
HMP-1801: HD/SD Solid-State Media Server
HRS-1801: HD/SD/ASI 10x4 Expandable Router
ICE - Automated Channel Playout: Flexible, Scalable, Reliable Channel-in-a-Box
ICE LE: Entry-Level Automated Channel Playout
iControl Application Server
iControl Audio-Video Fingerprints
iControl Edge
iControl Headend
iControl Incoming Feeds
iControl Loudness Monitoring
iControl Penalty Box: Monitoring by Exception Using Multiviewer
iControl Playout
iControl Remote Station Monitoring
iControl Router
iControl SNMP
iControl Solo
iControl VM: Complete Virtual Image Version of iControl End-to-End Facility Monitoring
Ignite HD Integrated Production Solution
Ignite HDC High-Definition Robotic Camera System
Ignite ProAV Integrated Production Solution
Ignite SD Integrated Production Solution
Ignite SDC Standard-Definition Robotic Camera System
Imagestore 2
Imagestore 3
Imagestore 300
Imagestore 300Plus
Imagestore 750: HD/SD Master Control and Branding Processor with Advanced Audio Processing
Imagestore HDTV
Imagestore Media Manager
iMC: Master Control Panel System
Indigo AV Mixer
Indigo HD Expansion Solution
Infinity Digital Media Camcorder
Infinity Digital Media Recorder
IngestStation Automated Tape Digitization System
InSync Automatic Mirroring Software
Intuition XG: Advanced HD/SD Graphics Coprocessor
IQAES00: Single/Dual Stream AES/EBU Distribution Amplifier
IQAMD40: Multi-Channel MADI to IP Interfacing Module
IQDBD00/01: HD/SD-SDI 16 Channel AES/EBU Remultiplexer with Dolby E Decoder
IQDLY30: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Video Delay Module
IQDMSES: Multi-standard (PAL/PAL-N/ PAL-M/NTSC/SECAM) Encoder with Synchronizer - 12 bit
IQDMX10/12: SDI Synchronizer and 8 Channel AES Demultiplexer
IQDMX32: Dual 3G/HD/SD-SDI Demultiplexer for 4 AES/EBU Audio Streams
IQDMX33: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Demultiplexer and Frame Sync with AES/EBU and Analog Audio Outputs
IQDNC00: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Down Converter with Synchronizer
IQDNC01: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Down Converter with Analog Monitoring Outputs
IQDSK00: HD/SD-SDI Linear Keyer
IQGBE40: Ethernet Fiber Converter with 4 Port Switch
IQGBX40: 12G Gearbox and Converter for UHD-4K SDI signals
IQH1P: IQ 1 RU Passive Modular Enclosure
IQLOG00: HD/SD-SDI Logo Inserter
IQMDA00: HD/SD-SDI Monitoring Down Converter & Distribution Amplifier
IQMIX10: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multi-Channel IP Transceiver 10 GbE
IQMIX25: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multi-Channel IP Transceiver 25 GbE
IQMUX10/12: 8 Channel Digital Audio Multiplexer with Synchronizer
IQMUX32: Dual 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multiplexer for 4 AES/EBU Audio Streams
IQMUX33: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Multiplexer and Frame Synchronizer with AES/EBU and Analog Audio Inputs
IQMUX42-49: HD/SD - SDI 10/16 Channel AES/EBU Remultimplexer with Audio Processing
IQMUX60/61: Universal Audio Multiplexer
IQOSY10: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Utility Frame Synchronizer with Fiber Interfacing
IQOSY30: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Frame Synchronizer with Fiber Interfacing
IQPFC21-23: Single, Dual and Triple 2 x 2 Fiber Optic Coupler Modules
IQPFS22/24: Dual and Quad 1 x 2 Fiber Optic Splitter Modules
IQPFS41-43: Single, Dual and Triple 1 x 4 Fiber Optic Splitter Modules
IQQMD00: Quad-link-SDI Down Converter for Ultra HD Signals
IQQSM00: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Quad Split Monitor
IQSRT00: HD/SD-SDI 5 x 2 Router
IQSYN10: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Frame Synchronizer
IQSYN30: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Frame Synchronizer with Embedded Audio Processing
IQSYN33: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Frame Synchronizer with advanced audio processing
IQUDC10: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Up, Down and Cross Converter with Synchronizer
IQUDC12: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Up, Down and Cross Converter with Sync and AES I/O
IQUDC33: 3G/HD/SD-SDI Dual Up, Down and Cross Converter with AES I/O
IQUPC00: HD/SD-SDI Up Converter with Synchronizer
IQUPC01: HD/SD-SDI Up Converter with Synchronizer and Analog Interfacing
IQUPC30: SDI Upconverter with Frame Synchronizer
IQUPC31: Dual Channel SDI Upconverter with Frame Synchronizer
IRD-3101: Standard Definition MPEG Decoder with ASI and GigE IP Inputs
IRD-3111: Standard Definition Receiver/Decoder with ASI and RF Inputs
IRD-3811: Integrated Receiver/Decoder with ASI and RF Inputs
iTX Appliance 2
iTX Integrated Playout Platform
iTX On-Demand: Automated VOD Asset Preparation and Publishing
iTX Playout Appliance
iTX Render Service
Jupiter Router Control Solution
K-Frame S-serie
K2 10G RAID Storage Systems
K2 ASI Media Client
K2 BaseCamp Express
K2 Capture Service Software
K2 Central TX
K2 Coder High-Performance Automated Transcoding Application
K2 Dyno Production Assistant Event Production System
K2 Dyno Universe 6X and 4K Switchable Replay Systems with Pan & Zoom
K2 Edge Playout Server
K2 Final Cut Pro Connect
K2 InSync Automatic File-Synchronization Application
K2 Lx0 RAID Storage System
K2 Media Server
K2 Media Server & Media Client
K2 Solo 3G Portable 2-Channel HD/SD Server
K2 Solo Portable Integrated HD/SD Server
K2 Summit 3G Production Client
K2 Summit 3G Transmission Client
K2 Summit 3G Transmission Server
K2 Summit 3G+ Production Client
K2 Summit HD Production Client
K2 Summit IP
K2 Summit Transmission Client
K2 Summit Transmission Server
K2 TimeDelay Automatic Time-Delay Application
K2 Transfer Tool Asset-Management Application
K2/Avid Transfer Manager Plug-In Application
Kahuna 6400: Up to 12 M/Es and 24 Keyers
Kahuna 9600: Up to 24 M/Es and 24 Keyers
Kahuna Production Switcher Family: 4 M/E, 12 M/E and 24 M/E Multiformat Switchers with HDR Support
Kaleido-Modular: Space Saving, Single and Dual Quad-Split Multiviewer (4x1 / 8x2)
Kaleido-X16: Super-silent, 16 Input, Dual Output Multiviewer
Kaleido-X: High Picture Count Multiviewer with Advanced Alarming
Kaleido-XQUAD: Simplified Standalone Quad-Split Multiviewer with Dual Quad-Split Upgrade Capability
Kalypso Classic SD Video Production Center
Kalypso Duo Video Production Center
Kalypso HD Video Production Center
KAM-AA-R Analog Audio Rear Module
KAM-ADC-S 4-Channel Audio A-to-D Sub-module
KAM-AES-R AES Rear Module
KAM-AV NTSC/PAL Front Processing Module
KAM-DAC-S 4-Channel Audio D-to-A Sub-module
KAM-DEC-2AES Decoding Frame Sync, AV/AES to SD/AES
KAM-DEC-2AES-MUX Decoding Frame Sync/Mux, AV/AES to SD/EA
KAM-DEC-4ADC Decoding Frame Sync, AV/AA to SD/AES
KAM-DEC-4ADC-MUX Decoding Frame Sync/Mux, AV/AA to SD/AES
KAM-ENC-2AES Encoding Frame Sync, SD/AES to AV/AES
KAM-ENC-2AES-DMX Encoding Frame Sync/Demux, SD/EA to AV/AES
KAM-ENC-4DAC Encoding Frame Sync, SD/AES to AV/AA
KAM-ENC-4DAC-DMX Encoding Frame Sync/Demux, SD/EA to AV/AA
KAM-HD-FS SD/HD Frame Synchronizer
KAM-HD-MULTI HD/SD Multi Function Module Series
KAM-HDD HD Processing Amplifier with Down-Converter
KAM-HDD-FS SD/HD Frame Synchronizer with Down-Converter
KAM-HDD-PA HS/SD with Down Converter and Video Processing
KAM-MIX-R Mixed Audio Rear Module
KAM-SD SDI Front Processing Module
KAM-SD-2AES Digital Frame Sync, SD/AES to SD/AES
KAM-SD-2AES-DMX Digital Frame Sync/Demux, SD/EA to SD/EA
KAM-SD-2AES-EAP Digital Frame Sync, SD/EA to SD/EA
KAM-SD-2AES-MUX Digital Frame Sync/Mux, SD/EA to SD/AES
KAM-SD-4ADC-MUX Digital Frame Sync/Mux, SD/AA to SD/EA
KAM-SD-4DAC-DMX Digital Frame Sync/Demux, SD/AA to SD/EA
KAM-XM-DNC HD Down-Converter
KAM-XM-MPEG-AR SDI MPEG Artifact Remover
KAM-XM-SDNR SDI Noise Reducer
KAM-XM-SDNRG SD Noise and Film Grain Reducer
KAM-XM-UCG General Purpose HD Up-Converter
KAM-XM-UDC HD Up/Down-Converter
KAM-XM-UNC HD Up-Converter with Advanced Noise Reduction
KAM-XM-UPC HDTV Up-Converter
Kameleon AV Media Processing System
Kameleon Chassis
Kameleon Family (all products)
Karrera K-Frame S-series
Kayak HD/SD and Kayenne XL Panel
Kayak HD100C - 1 M/E Switcher
Kayak HD150C - 1.5 M/E Switcher
Kayak HD200 - 2 M/E Switcher
Kayak HD200C - 2 M/E Switcher
Kayak HD250 - 2.5 M/E Switcher
Kayak HD250C - 2.5 M/E Switcher
Kayak HD300 - 3 M/E Switcher
Kayak SD100C - 1 M/E Switcher
Kayak SD150C - 1.5 M/E Switcher
Kayak SD200 - 2 M/E Switcher
Kayak SD200C - 2 M/E Switcher
Kayak SD250 - 2.5 M/E Switcher
Kayak SD250C - 2.5 M/E Switcher
Kayak SD300 - 3 M/E Switcher
KayakDD 1 M/E Digital Switcher
KayakDD 2 M/E Digital Video Production Switcher
KayakHD SD/HD Digital Video Production Switcher
KMX-3901-IN-IP: 10 GigE IP Input Module for the Kaleido-Modular-X Multiviewer
KMX-4911: Kaleido Multiviewer for GV Node
Krystal Digital Effects System
Kudos LC300 Series
KudosPro LC2000-IQ Series
KudosPro LC4000-IQ Series
KudosPro MC1000-IQ Series
KudosPro MC2000-IQ Series
KudosPro MC500 Series
KudosPro SV2000-IQ Series
KudosPro SV4000-IQ Series
KudosPro UHD1100
Kula 1 M/E Production Switcher: 19 in. Rackmount 1 M/E 16 Crosspoint Panel, 2 RU Frame with 1 M/E
Kula 12G-SDI Production Switcher: World’s First Dedicated 12G-SDI Production Switcher
Kula 2 M/E Production Switcher: 2 M/E 24 & 16 Crosspoint Panels, 2 RU Frame — Switchable to 1 M/E 4K UHD
Kula 3 M/E Production Switcher: 3 M/E 24 & 16 Crosspoint Panels, 2 RU Frame — Switchable to 1 M/E 4K UHD
Kula 4K UHD 1 M/E Production Switcher: 1 M/E 16 Crosspoint Panel, 2 RU Frame with 1 4K UHD M/E
Kula AV MSP Production Switchers
Kula AV Production Switchers
Kula IP Production Switchers
Kula Production Switcher Family: SD, HD, 3G and 4K UHD Production Power - All in One Low-cost Package
LCP 100 Local Control Panel
LCP 400 Local Control Panel
LDK 100 DPM Camera
LDK 100 IT(W) Camera
LDK 110IT(W) 12-bit Digital DVCPRO Camcorder
LDK 120DPM 12-bit Digital DVCPRO Camcorder
LDK 140IT(W) 12-bit Digital DVCPRO50 Camcorder
LDK 150DPM 12-bit Digital DVCPRO50 Camcorder
LDK 1707 Camera
LDK 200 DPM Camera
LDK 200 ITW Camera
LDK 20S Camera
LDK 23HS mk II Camera
LDK 300 Camera
LDK 3000 Camera
LDK 3000+ Camera
LDK 400 Camera
LDK 4000 Camera
LDK 4000 Elite Camera
LDK 4000 mkII Camera
LDK 4425 3G Fiber Power Converter
LDK 4426 3G Camera Triax to 3G Fiber Converter
LDK 4427 3G Fiber Camera To 3G Triax Converter
LDK 4501 SL SlimLine SDTV Camera Base Station
LDK 4637 LDK Connect Gateway
LDK 500 Camera
LDK 5000 Camera
LDK 6000 mk II Standard Camera
LDK 6000 mk II WorldCam Camera
LDK 6200 HD Super SloMo Camera
LDK 8000 Multi-Format High-Definition Camera
LDK 8000 SportCam Multi-Format Camera
LDX 80 Elite
LDX 80 Flex
LDX 80 Première
LDX 80 Series Software-Upgradable Camera Platform
LDX 80 WorldCam
LDX 82 Elite
LDX 82 Flex
LDX 82 Première
LDX 82 Series Software-Upgradable Camera Platform
LDX 82 WorldCam
LDX 85
Native UHD Camera System
LDX 86 4K (HD/3G/4K)
LDX 86 HiSpeed (HD: 1X/3X)
LDX 86 Series Software-Upgradable Camera Platform
LDX 86 Universe (HD: 1X/3X/6X, 3G: 1X/3X, 4K: 1X)
LDX 86 WorldCam (HD/3G)
LDX 86 XtremeSpeed (HD: 1X/3X/6X, 3G: 1X/3X)
LDX 86
4K (HD/3G/4K)
LDX 86
HiSpeed (HD: 1X/3X)
LDX 86
Series Software-Upgradable Camera Platform
LDX 86
Universe (HD: 1X/3X/6X, 3G: 1X/3X, 4K: 1X)
LDX 86
WorldCam (HD/3G)
LDX 86
XtremeSpeed (HD: 1X/3X/6X, 3G: 1X/3X)
LDX C80 Compact Camera Series
LDX C80 Compact Elite
LDX C80 Compact Première
LDX C80 Compact WorldCam
LDX C82 Compact Camera Series
LDX C82 Compact Elite
LDX C82 Compact Première
LDX C82 Compact WorldCam
Compact Native UHD Camera System
LDX C86 Compact Camera Series
LDX C86 Compact HiSpeed (HD: 1X/3X)
LDX C86 Compact WorldCam
LDX C86 Compact XtremeSpeed (HD: 1X/3X/6X, 3G: 1X/3X)
4K (HD/3G/4K)
HiSpeed (HD: 1X/3X)
Series Software-Upgradable Camera Platform
Universe (HD: 1X/3X/6X, 3G: 1X/3X, 4K: 1X)
WorldCam (HD/3G)
XtemeSpeed (HD: 1X/3X/6X, 3G: 1X/3X)
Live Event Management System (LVS)
LiveTouch 1300: Collaborative 4K Instant Replay in IP or 12G-SDI
LiveTouch 2000: Powerful UHD, 3G & HD Server Platform for Instant Replay and Super Slo-mo Applications
LiveTouch UHD Flex 12G: Instant, Intuitive Solutions for Slow-Motion and Instant Replay
LiveTouch: Instant, Intuitive Solutions for Slow-Motion and Instant Replay
LNS-3901: 3G/HD/SD Line Synchronizer
Luna 6028 Series 1U Control Panels
Luna 6028-RC Series 1RU Control Panels
M-2100 SDTV/HDTV Digital Master Control System
M-Series iVDR Intelligent Video Digital Recorder
M3 NVISION Router to Kaleido-Modular-X Multiviewer Integration Cable
MCP 400 Master Control Panel
MCP 450 Master Control Panel
MCP Master Control Panel
MediaFUSE Automated Content Repurposing & Multi-Distribution System
Microcam Compact Camera Head System
MOBox Mixed-Operation Systems
Model 100 Switcher
Model 110 HD High Definition Production Switcher
Model 1200 Component Digital Production Switcher
Model 2200
Model 3000
Model 4000
Morpheus Automation: Scalable Playout Automation for Multi-Channel and Multi-Screen Environments
Morpheus UX: Reconfigurable User Interface for Morpheus Playout Automation and ICE Integrated Playout Systems
MV-800: Integrated Multiviewer and Optional Desktop Software
MV-805: Software-based IP Multiviewer
MV-820-IP: Space-saving 2 RU Standalone Multiviewer
MV-820: Space-saving 2 RU Standalone Multiviewer
MV-830: Integrated Multiviewer and Optional Desktop Software
MX Mini-eXpanded Beam Optical Connectors
Network Attached Storage System (NAS)
NewsBrowse Desktop Browsing System
NewsEdit LT Laptop-Based Nonlinear Editor
NewsEdit SC Software-Based Nonlinear Editor
NewsEdit SCE Editing and High-Resolution Review Station
NewsEdit XT Nonlinear Editor
NewsQ Manual Playback System
NewsQ Pro Automated Playback System
Newton Modular Control System
NV5100MC Master Control
NVISION 5128: Mid-sized Multiformat Router
NVISION 5256: Machine Control Router (RS-422/RS-232)
NVISION 7512: Audio Router (AES3, Analog, Time Code, MADI)
NVISION 8140 Hybrid: Digital Video/Audio Router with Audio Processing (4K/3G/HD/SD/ASI/AES/AA/MADI)
NVISION 8144: 144x144 in Single 8 RU Frame
NVISION 8280: 88x576 in Single 16 RU Frame
NVISION 8288 and NVISION 8288-Plus: Digital Video Router
NVISION 8500 Hybrid: Digital Video/Audio Routers with Audio Processing (4K/3G/HD/SD/ASI/AES/AA/MADI)
NVISION 8500 Router Frame Sync: Frame Sync Input Card for NVISION 8500 Series Routers
NVISION 8500 Router IP Output Gateway: Enables Routing of Baseband Video over IP Networks
NVISION 8500 Series Jitter Cleaner: Jitter Cleaner Input Card for NVISION 8500 Series Routers
NVISION 8576 Plus: 576x576 in Single 32 RU Frame Expandable to 1152x1152 in Two Frames
NVISION 8576: 576x1152 in Single 32 RU Frame
NVISION Compact: Space and Cost Efficient Utility Routers
NVISION CR3232 Series Digital router series
NVISION CR6400 Series Digital router series
OCP 42 Operational Control Panel
Orbit: Automated Control & Monitoring
OX-Frame Unique, Rugged Tactical Fiber Optic Reels
Page Builder and Page Proofer
PDR Software v1.4
PDR Software v2.1
PDR Software v2.2
PDR Software v2.4
PDR Software v2.5
PDR Software v3.+
Pegasus HD/SD Board
Performer & Performer-HD
PFC 500/PFR 500 RAID Storage Systems
PFR 600 RAID Storage Systems
PFR 700 RAID Storage Systems
PicoLink Series ADC-191p: 12-bit Component Analog Video to SDI Converter
PicoLink Series ADX-171p
PicoLink Series ADX-172p: Dual AES Audio De-Embedder
PicoLink Series AMX-172p
PicoLink Series ARC-371p
PicoLink Series ARC-372p
PicoLink Series ASD-171p
PicoLink Series ASD-271p
PicoLink Series ASD-272p: S-Video to SDI Decoder
PicoLink Series ASD-771p: Analog to AES Audio (75Ω / 110Ω)
PicoLink Series DAC-191p
PicoLink Series DEC-272p
PicoLink Series DEC-291p: 12-bit NTSC/PAL/SECAM to SDI Decoder
PicoLink Series ENC-291p: 12-bit SDI to NTSC/PAL Encoder
PicoLink Series FEO-171p
PicoLink Series FEO-871p
PicoLink Series FOE-171p
PicoLink Series FOE-871p
PicoLink Series Power Supplies and Frame Options
PicoLink Series SDA-172p
PicoLink Series SDM-171p
PicoLink Series SDM-177p
PicoLink Series SDM-271p
PicoLink Series SDM-272p
PicoLink Series SDM-277p
PicoLink Series SDM-771p: AES to Analog Audio (75 ohm/110 ohm)
PicoLink Series SDM-870p
PicoLink Series SDM-871p
PicoLink Series SDM-872p
PicoLink Series SDM-873p
PicoLink Series SDM-874p: HD/SD Serial Digital Video to DVI Converter
PicoLink Series SDM-875p
PicoLink Series TPG-171p
PIX:XP Profile Image eXchange XP
PLS 20 Desktop Tape Drive
PLS 200 Tape Library System
Prelude Embedded Control Solutions
ProCoder 3 - Ultimate Format Converter
Profile Network Archive System
Profile PDR 100 Video Disk Recorder
Profile PDR 200 JPEG Video Server
Profile PDR 300 MPEG Video Server
Profile PDR 400 DVCPRO Video Server
Profile PRS 200 RAID Storage System
Profile PRS 250 RAID Storage System
Profile Remote Control Panel (PRC)
ProStor Alternative RAID Solution
PTZ 35X HD Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) Camera
PVS 1000 SD Platform for On-Air Applications
PVS 1100 SD Platform for Production Applications
PVS 2000 HD Platform for On-Air and Production Applications
PVS 3000 SD/HD Platform for On-Air Applications
PVS 3500 Next-Generation Multi-Format Server
PVS Software v4.+
PVS Software v5.+
PVTV Plus LEARNING Live Production System
PVTV Plus NEWS Live Production Systems
PVTV Plus PRO Live Production System
Python 3G Multichannel Fiber Optic HD-SDI Transport System with CWDM Multiplexing
Python Plus: Multichannel Fiber Optic SDI and IP Transport System with CWDM Management & Multiplexing
Pyxis: Compact Multi-Format Router: Feature Rich Routing for Small and Medium Size Applications
QUICBox Programmable Controller
Rattler 4 Ultra-Miniature Single Link, Dual Link, and Bidirectional Fiber Optic Media Converters
REV PRO Digital Media Drive
REV PRO Removable Disk Media
REXCEED W15LT Laptop (Japan Only)
RS-LDX Integrated Robotic Camera Solution
RTic - Real-Time Information Collector
Saturn Master Control System
SCO-1421: Intelligent ASI Change-Over with Probing
ScriptViewer Teleprompter System
SDA-1102: SDI/ASI Distribution Amplifier
SDA-1112: Reclocked SDI/ASI Distribution Amplifier with EQ
SDA-1142: SDI Distribution Amplifier with Composite Analog Monitoring
SDA-1162: SDI Distribution Amplifier with Composite and Audio Analog Monitoring
Series 7000 Control Panels
Series 7000 Control System
Series 7000/7500NB & 7500WB Digital Routing Matrices
Series 9000 Camera Control System
SFP-ETH-10-RT-W13-LC: 1310 nm / 1.25 Gb/s Single Mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-ETH-10-RT-W15-LC: 1310 nm / 1.25 Gb/s Single Mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-ETH-10-S13-LC: 1310 nm / 1.25 Gb/s Single Mode SFP Transceiver
SFP-RH-LC: Single Channel High Sensitivity Optical Receiver Cartridge with Simplex LC
SFP-RHRH-LC: Dual Channel High Sensitivity Optical Receiver Cartridge with Duplex LC
SFP-RR-W-LC: 1-Fiber Dual Channel WDM Optical Receiver Cartridge with Simplex LC
SFP-RT-W13-LC: 1-Fiber 1310 nm WDM Optical Transceiver Cartridge with Simplex LC
SFP-RT-W15-LC: 1-Fiber 1550 nm WDM Optical Transceiver Cartridge with Simplex LC
SFP-THTH-CXXCYY-LC: Dual Channel High Power CWDM Optical Transmitter Cartridge with Duplex LC
SFP-TT-W13W15-LC: 1-Fiber Dual Channel 1310 nm/1550 nm Optical Transmitter Cartridge with Simplex LC
SHOT Director Multi-Camera Joystick Controller
SME-1901: Monitoring Streaming Media Encoder and Distribution Amplifier
SME-1911: Monitoring Streaming Media Encoder
SMPTE Hybrid Cable (SMPTE Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Assemblies for HDTV Broadcast)
SMS-6000 Series
Softel Cyclone: Teletext Editing, Management and Playout Solution
Softel Swift ADePT: Audio Description Creation, Rehearsal, Repurposing and Recording
Softel Swift Create V8: Global Caption and Subtitle Creation Workstation
Softel Swift Create: Subtitle Creation and Repurposing
Softel Swift Subtitle Monitor
Softel Swift TX: Subtitle/Caption Management and Delivery Solution
Softel vFlex HD: Multipurpose HD Video Data Inserter
Softel vFlex MC
Softel vFlex SD
Softel vFlex XD: Multipurpose XD Video Data Inserter
sQ 1000 Series Media Servers: SD/HD/4K UHD Media Servers Designed for News and Sports Editing, Replay and Playout
sQ 2000 Series Media Servers: Powerful UHD, 3G & HD Server Platform Designed for News and Sports Applications
SSP-3801: HD/SD HD/SD Solid-State Playout Card
STORM 3G Elite
STORM Mobile
Sync Color Bar Generators
T-POV Systems Bidirectional HD Video/Audio/Data Robotic Camera Links
T2 4K Series: Digital Recorders/Players
T2 Classic Intelligent Digital Disk Recorder
T2 Express 2, Pro 2, and Elite 2 Intelligent Digital Disk Recorders
T2 Express 3, Pro 3, and Elite 3 Intelligent Digital Disk Recorders
T2 Express, Pro, and Elite Intelligent Digital Disk Recorders
TAC Cable (Tactical Fiber Optic Cable)
TelePort 3G/10G: Multichannel CWDM Management System
TeleThon 3G Multichannel Wavelength Manager and HD-SDI Transport
Terrapin FTR-D6 3G Fiber Transceiver with Integral Distribution Amplifier
Thunder 80 Channel Audio/Data/Intercom Link
TimeDelay Application Software
ToolBox Application Software
Trinix NXT Digital Routing Switcher
Trinix NXT Multiviewer
Trinix Routing Switcher
Triton Plus Compact Routing
Triton Routing Switcher
TTV 1557D 12-bit Digital Broadcast Camera
TTV 1657D Camera
TTV 2000AP MPEG iMX Recoder
TTV 2000MP MPEG iMX Recorder
TTV 2100MP MPEG iMX Player
TTV 3450P Digital Betacam Studio Player/Recorder
TTV 3452P Digital Betacam Player/Recorder with SP Playback
Turbo Intelligent Digital Disk Recorder
Turbo-R Intelligent Digital Disk Recorder with REV Built from Iomega
TwinPact100 - A/D, D/A, VGA/A GA/D Converter
UAP-1783: 8-channel Universal Audio Processor
UHD-3901-UC: Dual-Channel 4K UHD Upconverter with Optional HDR Processor
VEA-1023: Analog Video Distribution Amplifier with Remote Gain and Auto EQ
Vega 30: Multiple Solutions Quickly Solve Routing Challenges
Venom FlashPak Solid-State Recorder
Venus Routing Switcher
Vertigo Suite: Branding Graphics Automation and Asset Management
Vertigo XG: Advanced HD/SD Graphics Processor
Viper Family: Bidirectional Fiber Optic Transmission Systems
Viper FilmStream Camera
Viper I Portable Fiber Optic Broadcast Production Systems
Viper II 6080 8-Channel Audio Multiplexer Modules for the Viper II
Viper II Modular Fiber Optic Platform for Digital Production
Viper II TR6292 Bidirectional HD/SD-SDI Modules for the Viper II
Viper II TX-RX6292 Single Channel HD/SD-SDI Modules for the Viper II
Viper XL: Bidirectional Fiber Optic Transmission System
Viper XXL: Bidirectional Fiber Optic Transmission System
XCU Elite Camera Base Station
XCU Enterprise UXF Camera Base Station
XCU Universe UXF Camera Base Station
XCU Universe XF Camera Base Station
XSWITCH KVM, A/V , and Control Routing System
XtenDD HD High-Definition Production Switcher
XtenDD Standard-Definition Production Switcher
Zodiak Digital Production Switcher
Please select one of the following product groups to find available product documentation.
Cameras & Fiber Systems
LDX Series, LDK Series,
Transmission & Fiber Systems (Telecast)
Infinity Series
Kayenne, Karrera, GV Korona,
GV Director
Kahuna, Kahuna Maverik, Kula
K2 Dyno, LiveTouch
Automated Production
Ignite, Ignite Konnect, Ignite Katalyst
Video Production & Content Management System
GV STRATUS, Momentum
XRE Transcoder
News Production
Automated Production
Ignite, Ignite Konnect, Ignite Katalyst
Servers, Storage & Recorders
K2 Summit, K2 Solo, K2 10G RAID, sQ, T2
Integrated Playout
iTX, ICE, Afterburner
K2 Edge
Cloud Playout & Regionalization
Master Control & Branding
DSK-3901, Imagestore 750, iMC, ISM-3901, LGK-3901, Maestro, M-2100
Captioning & Subtitles
Swift ADePT, Swift Create, Swift Create V8, Cyclone (teletext), Swift TX, vFlexHD
Transmission Servers & Storage
K2 Summit, K2 Solo, K2 10G RAID
Intuition XG, Vertigo XG, Vertigo Suite
Signal Processing/Modular
Densité Series, IQ Modular, Kudos, KudosPro, ADVC-G-Series, GeckoFlex Series
Kaleido, M3 Integration Cable, Audio Bridge Terminal, KXI-DVI-Bridge, MV-8 Series, MV-Flex, Pyxis, Vega
GV Node, NVISION Routers & Control, Sirius, Trinix NXT, Jupiter, Luna, Orbit
Monitoring & Control
EdgeVision, iControl, GV Guardian, Jupiter
Fiber Transport
Fiber Optic Conversion & Transport, Fiber Optic Mux/Demux & Splitter
Former SAM-branded Products
Former SAM-branded Products
Alchemist, Go!, ICE, IQ Modular, Kahuna, Kudos, KudosPro, LiveTouch, Morpheus, Rio, Sirus, sQ
Global Services
Support & Services
Miscellaneous Products
Management & Security
Production Control
Turnkey Systems
All Products
Case Studies
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