EDIUS 7 Online Help
Reference ManualHardware Setup Guide
Installation Manual
User Guide
On our website, we provide the online manual in the HTML version of the Reference Manual of this product. You can use it for keyword searching.
The contents of the online manual are subject to change without notice due to updated information or changes of the product specifications. Therefore, the contents of the online manual may differ from that of the Reference Manual which came with the product you purchased. Visit our website for the latest information and the online manual.
The contents in the Reference Manual are at the time when the first product is released. Therefore, the contents in the manual may include different specifications and functions from those of the product you purchased, because of the later minor changes.
Note that we are not liable for any damages (including damages by data corruption, business interruption, sales information loss, etc.) caused by using or being not able to use the online manual, even if there were prior notifications of the damage occurrences and the possible claims of compensation for the damages by a third party.