Rename the file system

  1. Shutdown StorNext services on the non-primary node: (it could take several minutes to complete)

  2. Unmount the gvfs_sysman1 file system: (note the spelling is umount not unmount)

  3. Stop the gvfs_sysman1 file system.

  4. Rename directory and file system on the secondary (non-primary) node from initial step.

  5. If prompted to continue, enter yes.
  6. Rename the file system to bdnew.

  7. Delete the old mount point directory and create a new directory reflecting the new file system name:

  8. Using the nano editor, modify the fstab file to reflect the new file sytem name and new mount point as shown in bold below. Utilize arrow keys to move locations.

  9. To exit nano and save changes, type: <CTRL-X> Y <Enter>
  10. Confirm the edited configuration is correct. If not, repeat previous step.

  11. Next step could take several minutes. Start the new file system:

  12. Activate the new file system.

  13. Ensure the file system is mounted.

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