System View

This view contains displays the current frames and cards in the network. The icons in the device tree indicate the status priority level of all levels within the tree and summarises both the current and historical status of the system. The status indications are hierarchical so the network status shows the highest status level of all the frames within the system, and the frame show the highest status level of all the cards within it.

Clicking with the left hand button on a device changes the control view to select this view. Once selected the device can be controlled and the status events both current and historical can be viewed.

Clicking on the right hand button over a device brings up the card menu as shown below.

Alarm Masking

This menu additionally gives the option of masking the alarms for a particular node in the system tree. This can either mask just the node or mask all the inputs to this node. If for example a card is due to be removed for service reasons, then you can mask the logic of the card to good in order to stop the CommandCenter interfaces/ causing/showing an error on this node and any node to which this card is contributing its severity state when it is removed. Alternatively if a channel is off-air then you could select the channel in the system view and select mask logic on inputs to good to stop any card allocated to this channel causing an error on the system. Like each of the views it can be closed, automatically hidden using the drawing pin icon in the title bar of the view, or moved and resized to suit the current application or users preferences.

Network Status

The status of the network is show as a single item at the head of the system view tree.


Frames are displayed as expandable items. The status of all devices in the frame are shown at the frame level. The frame device when selected displays the frame controller in the control view.


Cards are displayed as icons with a status ! icon on the device having either a warning or error status.

Right Click Menu

When selecting a device from the System view, you may right click or select the Network menu to perform a variety of operations for that device. Additionally, the status alarms for the card, frame and system can be acknowledged from this menu. System View Ordering The order of the devices within the view can be ordered on different criteria. These criteria now include the user data that can be added for a device, such as the channel, service or location.

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