CommandCenter Options

The Control and Navigation Views in CommandCenter are used by the CommandCenter Panel Viewer Cost Option. This option allows you to completely customize your user interface.

Pictorial representations of the workflow, signal path or physical surrounding can be created and linked together to create an interface to which operational and engineering teams can quickly relate.

Users can monitor, control and locate informatikon without needing to understand the operation of either the underlying software application or the physical implementation of an installation.

CommandCenter can also integrate the control of routers using native protocols. You can quickly design forms that provide access to router sources, destinations, locks and protects as well as those with either generic or tailored interfaces depending on the context of the current view or task. For example, when selecting a specific destination or source, the user interface could change to display other devices that may be controlled as a result of this knowledge and guiding the operator in the choices available.

The SNMP otpion allows you to connect, control and monitor thousands of devices supporting the SNMP interface -- such as servers,switchers, character generators, waveform monitors, IT infrastructure -- all from within CommandCenter. You start by scanning for and then adding SNMP devices to the System View. If a device's MIB file is available, CommandCenter can set up status severities for any parameter you require. This generice data can then be presented to the user in an appropriate way using any of the different controls supported by CommandCenter.

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