Data Stores

CommandCenter includes a method for storage or retrieval of static data from a file on the local data storage on the PC running the CommandCenter server/client application. This storage mechanism is called a ‘Data Store’ and is a way of storing data or retrieving data formatted as an XML file.

Data Stores are used when the data being stored needs to be static or where the data is anticipated to change over time. This data can then be changed without needing to know how to use the CommandCenter Form designer.

Examples of where a Data Store might be used in CommandCenter could be as a method to store the Router crosspoint status on a project/show basis or the categorisation of Router Source/Destination mnemonics.

Like Variables an Event Handler can be added for notification of a node change within a Data Store.

Currently Data Stores cannot be shared across multiple clients or between clients and servers in the CommandCenter system.

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