SQL Error Messages and Troubleshooting Information

If the SQL database has not been installed properly then this can be the cause of this message:

CommandCenter fails to start with the following message 'Failed to initialize the SQL Database'

1. If CommandCenter has been running on this PC and then the SQL Server Express instance was removed the Microsoft uninstaller will leave the following CommandCenter database files behind, for good reasons.



These files are normally found in the following path, although this could be different depending on other instances of SQL on the local machine.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data

If this is the case installing CommandCenter again will complain as the SQL installation does not expect to see these files and so does not start the service correctly. This in turn causes CommandCenter to complain when starting as it cannot connect to the SQL database.

Assuming this is the problem with the installation we recommend to do the following:

a.) Delete the two CommandCenter database files mentioned above, unless there is information you wish to retain in which case either rename the file extensions or move them to another directory for the moment.

b.) Install CommandCenter again using the setup.exe executable from the installation disk or downloaded file.

c.) Try running CommandCenter again.

2.) If CommandCenter has never been running on this PC then the SQL Server Express might not have been installed correctly.

a.) Make sure that the setup.exe file was used to install CommandCenter. Using the CommandCenter Deployment.msi will not install the SQL Server, also running the SQL Server installer (sqlexpr32.exe) from the SqlExpressSP2 sub folder from the installation will not add install the CommandCenter instance required for CommandCenter to run.

b.) You will also have to be logged onto Windows as a user with administrator privileges for the local PC for SQL to install correctly.

c.) Given the above (a and b) are true, there are a number of other reasons for the failure of the installation.

  • . The " SQL Native Client" driver is not installed - On XP: Go to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Data Sources (ODBC)->Drivers - " SQL Native Client" should be in the list.

  • There is no SQL instance called CommandCenterSQL installed. Go to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services and look for " SQL Server (COMMANDCENTERSQL)" in the list and check that Status is "Started".
  • The Surface Area (e.g. remote connections) for the SQL Server has not been correctly configured. In the Start Menu, find and run Microsoft SQL Server 2005->Configuration Tools-> SQL Server Surface Area Configuration. Near bottom of page, click on "Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections". A new dialogue should appear and in the left hand view select COMMANDCENTERSQL-> Database Engine->Remote Connections. The right-hand side should now show the connection options. The options selected should be set to "Local and Remote Connections" and "Using both TCP/IP and named pipes." If this is not the case, change these options and retry CommandCenter and/or steps 1 and 2.

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