Play back a storyboard.
Storyboard playback starts from the position of the slider. Clips are played back in order from the top of the thumbnail pane as in the following figure.
1) Click on a storyboard to play back on the sidebar.
2) Click [Play] in the preview pane.
Playback will start in the preview pane.
The frame of the position of the slider is displayed in the preview pane.
In the operation area, you can perform operations such as volume adjustment and change of preview image quality.
3) Click [Stop] in the preview pane.
Playback will stop.
The video can be also viewed in the full screen preview.
To switch to the full screen preview, double-click on the preview image in the preview pane. To go back to the normal view, double-click on the preview image again.
You can export still images from video, change image quality for preview, or perform other operations.
You can undo an editing operation or redo an undone editing operation of a storyboard by performing the following operations.
Click [Edit] on the menu bar, and click [Storyboard] → [Undo] or [Redo].
Click [Undo] or [Redo] on the top of the thumbnail pane.