Combine multiple still image clips as a single sequence clip and register it to [Library].
You can create a movie-like time lapse clip that is made of combined still images shot in a certain intervals.
1) Select multiple still image clips in the thumbnail pane.
To select multiple clips, perform the following operations.
Click on a clip one by one with [Ctrl] on the keyboard held down.
Click on a clip on the top and then the bottom with [Shift] on the keyboard held down.
2) Right-click on the selected still image clips, and click [Set as Still Sequence].
The selected still image clips are combined in the order of file names and registered to [Library] as a single sequence clip.
The name of the sequence clip will be the same as the first clip among the combined clips.
The number of combined still image clips appears on the upper right of the thumbnail of created sequence clip.
To change the playback speed, change the frame rate of the sequence clip. Click the [Frame Rate] list button in the properties pane, and select a frame rate to apply.
Cancel combining of a sequence clip.
1) Right-click on a sequence clip, and click [Cancel Sequence].
After the sequence is canceled, the clip name returns to the one before the clips are combined.