Grass Valley device monitoring

Grass Valley provides the following for monitoring Grass Valley devices:
  • Grass Valley device profiles: These are preconfigured by Grass Valley to monitor recommended services for each type of device.
  • Grass Valley spreadsheet: This is a template for capturing the device-specific information for each of your devices and applying this information to the profile for each type of device. When you fill in the spreadsheet and upload it, your GV GUARDIAN system is automatically configured to monitor your devices.
After your GV GUARDIAN system is installed and operating at your site, Grass Valley recommends that you use profiles and the spreadsheet as follows:
  1. Import Grass Valley device profiles into your GV GUARDIAN system.

    You can find the latest Grass Valley device profiles attached to Knowledge Base article KB 15707.

  2. If you must monitor device types for which a Grass Valley profile is not provided, create a profile for each device type.
  3. Fill in the spreadsheet template with the information for each device and specify the device type profile for each device.
  4. Upload the spreadsheet to your GV GUARDIAN system.

    Your GV GUARDIAN system is now configured to monitor your devices.

  5. If your requirements for monitoring a device type change, modify the device type profile for new or modified service monitoring.

    All devices currently monitored that use the profile are automatically updated to the changed monitoring requirements.

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