Other Topic Library Versions

License considerations

When you start using GV GUARDIAN at your site, it is licensed with a free trial license by default. You can continue to operate GV GUARDIAN for test purposes under this license for 60 days of use. Only the days that you actually use GV GUARDIAN are counted in this 60 day total.

When you enter the GV GUARDIAN license key that you receive from Grass Valley, your GV GUARDIAN system is updated to a permanent license. This license key is associated with the IP address of the GV GUARDIAN server on which GV GUARDIAN is currently installed. If the IP address changes, you must re-enter and update the license on the GV GUARDIAN server. The GV GUARDIAN system allows three such licensing updates using the same license key. If the IP address changes a fourth time, the license update fails.

If you plan to change the IP address several times during your initial GV GUARDIAN testing, do so using the default trial license. Wait until the GV GUARDIAN server has its final IP address before entering the license key. This retains your ability to change the server IP address in the future. If you exceed the number of license updates allowed by the GV GUARDIAN system, contact Grass Valley Support for a new license key.

Copyright © 2017 Grass Valley Canada. All rights reserved. GV GUARDIAN 2.0 gvtp_20171020_00:54:09