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Manage GV GUARDIAN Monitoring Engine Status

  • You must be logged on to the GV GUARDIAN system with administrator privileges.
You can start/stop process state and settings and view information regarding the current performance of your GV GUARDIAN Monitoring Engine.
  1. Navigate to Admin | System Information | Monitoring Engine Status.
  2. Manage Monitoring Engine Process as follows:

    1. :Hover over a Value indicator to view process information.
    2. Hover over an Action button to determine its function and click to execute one of the following functions:
      • Stop
      • Restart
      • Disable
      • Enable
  3. Interpret Monitoring Engine Event Queue information as follows:

    The graph illustrates the number of checks scheduled to occur over the next 5 minutes.
  4. Interpret Monitoring Engine Check Statistics as follows:

    Review the number of host and service checks.
  5. Interpret Monitoring Engine Performance information as follows:

    When average latency goes over 1 second (1.0), the interface slows down, checks time out, and the entire system degrades. Add CPU core and RAM to mitigate the problem.

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