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Monitor Windows processes

To do this task you must be logged in with administrator privileges.
The GV GUARDIAN Grass Valley Process Monitoring Wizard ensures that services and process continue to run. The wizard monitors the service or process and if it finds that it is not running, starts the process automatically.
  1. Click Configure | Run the Monitoring Wizard.

  2. Select Grass Valley Process Monitoring.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Next.
  4. Enter the IP address of the Windows machine to be monitored and click Next.

  5. If the Windows machine has a host name that resolves on the network, it is automatically filled in. If the machine does not yet have a host name, enter a unique host name.
  6. Configure the services to monitor as follows:
    1. Select each service to monitor.
    2. If desired, change the Display Name. The name you enter here is displayed in GV GUARDIAN.
    3. Click + or - to add or remove services.
  7. Configure the processes to monitor as follows: Processes are applications that run on the Windows machine. They typically have a .exe file name extension.
    1. Select each process to monitor.
    2. If desired, change the Display Name. The name you enter here is displayed in GV GUARDIAN.
    3. Click + or - to add or remove processes.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Set the time intervals you want monitoring to poll the device. Default values are shown.

  10. Click Next.
  11. Observe the progress of configuration and verification processes and verify that Configuration applied successfully is reported.

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