Other Topic Library Versions

Uploading a spreadsheet

  • You must be logged on to the GV GUARDIAN system with administrator privileges.
  • A completed spreadsheet must be available for upload to your GV GUARDIAN system.
  • Any profile specified in the spreadsheet must be present on the GV GUARDIAN system to which the spreadsheet is being uploaded.
  1. Navigate to Configure | Profile Manager | Spreadsheet Uploader.

  2. Click Choose File, navigate to and select a completed spreadsheet, click Open, and then Import.

    Data to be uploaded is displayed.

  3. Click Import.

    A Successfully... message verifies the operation.

  4. Verify data submitted as instructed in the following steps. Data can take some time to populate the database as polling of the devices begins.
  5. To verify all hosts are configured, click Home | Details | Host Detail. Device Host status starts updating. This can take a few minutes to complete the polling process depending on the amount of hosts configured.

  6. To verify all services have been configured, click Home | Details | Service Detail. Device Service status starts updating. This can take a few minutes to complete the polling process depending on the number of Services configured.

  7. To verify all Notification Contacts have been configured, do the following:
    1. Click Configure | Advanced Configuration | Core Config Manager.
    2. Enter Administrator username and password
    3. Click Alerting | Contacts.
    4. Verify all notification contacts are present

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