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Monitor using WMI

  • You must be logged on to the GV GUARDIAN system with administrator privileges.
The GV GUARDIAN Grass Valley WMI Wizard provides the ability to configure the monitoring of Server Metrics, Specific Files, Services, Processes, and Event Logs.
  1. Click Configure | Run the Monitoring Wizard.

  2. Select Grass Valley Windows WMI.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Next.
  4. Enter the IP address of the workstation or server machine to be monitored and click Next.

  5. Configure the name and server metrics to be monitored.
    1. Enter the name to be associated with the machine you are monitoring.
    2. Select the checkbox for the metrics you want to monitor. Adjust alarm thresholds for both warning and critical percentages.
    3. For Disk Usage, select the checkbox and define the drive you want to monitor. Click + to add drives. Adjust alarm thresholds for both warning and critical percentages.

  6. Scroll down and configure files to be monitored.
    1. Select the checkbox for the file you want to monitor.
    2. Select the drive with files to be monitored.
    3. Select the directory with files to be monitored.
    4. Select the filename of the file to be monitored.
    5. Click + to add files.

  7. Scroll down and configure services to be monitored.
    1. Select the checkbox for the service you want to monitor.
    2. Define the Windows Service.
    3. Add display name.

  8. Scroll down and configure processes to be monitored.
    1. Select the checkbox for the Windows Process you want to monitor.
    2. Define the Windows Process.
    3. Add display name.

  9. Scroll down and configure Event Logs to be monitored.
    1. Select the checkbox for the Event Log you want to monitor.
    2. Define Event Log.
    3. Define Display Name.
    4. Define notification severity.
    5. Define the alarm notification window (in hours).
    6. Define how many alarms within the notification window generate a warning notification.
    7. Define how many alarms within the notification window generate a critical warning

  10. Scroll down and click Next.
  11. Set the time intervals you want monitoring to poll the device. Default values are shown.

  12. Click Next.
  13. Select the timing and frequency of notifications and the individuals or groups that receive the notifications.

  14. Click Next.
  15. If the services are part of a host group, service group, or parent host, configure as shown.

  16. Click Next and Apply to save the settings.

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