Configuring a GV I/O Host

You must install GV I/O licenses before starting the configuration.
  1. On the Hosts tab, select the specific GV I/O host that you want to configure.

  2. Click the Configure button.

    The configuration page displays.

  3. For System Configuration and NMOS settings, click on the drop-down list and select the appropriate option as below:
    Setting Description
    Reference Standard Select the reference standard to be used on the GV I/O device, either NTSC or PAL.
    NMOS Discovery and Registration Select to enable or disable the NMOS (IS-04/05) specification for GV I/O device discovery and registration. The GV I/O must have the GVIO-SVR-IP license to enable the NMOS setting.
  4. If NMOS Discovery and Registration setting is enabled and NMOS Registry Selection is set to Manual, select other additional setting as follows:

    Setting Description
    NMOS Registry Selection Select the NMOS Registry selection to be Auto or Manual.

    Select Auto for an automatic NMOS Registry discovery.

    The Manual selection can be used to manually select an NMOS Registry, overriding the automatic NMOS Registry discovery for the site.

    NMOS Registry IP Address Enter the IP address of the NMOS Registry to be used by the GV I/O unit.
    NMOS Registry Registration Port Number Enter the port number that the NMOS Registry is configured to use for the NMOS IS-04 Registration API.
    NMOS Registry Query Port Number Enter the port number that the NMOS Registry is configured to use for the NMOS IS-04 Query API.
  5. To view installed licenses on the GV I/O device, click the Licenses panel.

    Details of installed licenses are displayed as below.

  6. Click Apply to save your current settings, or click Back to return to the last saved settings.

Copyright © 2018 - 2021 GVBB Holdings SARL and Grass Valley USA, LLC. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. GV I/O 4.0 gvtp_20210305_00:38:42