Preparing for GV I/O installation of SDI option

  • Verify that the AJA Corvid 88 card is installed with the desired feeds attached.
  • Procure the file that includes all GV I/O prerequisite files. This .zip file contains software components that will be used later in the procedure.
  • Verify that the ntv2firmwareinstaller.exe and corvid_88_34.bit files must be in the same directory as the .bat file BEFORE you run UpdateAjaFirmware.bat.

This procedure is not required if you received your GV I/O server from the factory. Otherwise, proceed with the steps below:

  1. Install this AJA driver manually: ntv2driver-14.3.2.msi
  2. Run the UpdateAjaFirmware.bat file.
  3. Power Cycle the system.
  4. Run the NetworkAdapters PowerShell script after reviewing its associated README.txt file and enter the names of your adapters as follows:
    1. Control Connection
    2. FTP Connection (for internal storage) OR Media Connection (for shared storage)
    3. Unused 1
    4. Unused 2

Copyright © 2018 - 2021 GVBB Holdings SARL and Grass Valley USA, LLC. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. GV I/O 4.0 gvtp_20210305_00:38:42