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Add software roles for upgrade to version 5.0

Before doing this task, make sure devices are added to the SiteConfig system description with the correct family and device type. Refer to Complete listing of device types, roles, and software packages for GV STRATUS devices.
SiteConfig roles are new or require special consideration with this software upgrade. Verify and add roles if necessary.
  1. As appropriate for your system design and licensing, in your SiteConfig system description, configure roles as follows:
    • For your GV STRATUS Express Server or Core Server, add the new role as follows:
      • GV STRATUS Database
    • For all GV STRATUS Express Server or Core Server, Proxy, Render Engine, and Workflow servers, add the new role as follows:
      • GV Log Manager
    • For the GV STRATUS Control Point PC, add the new role as follows:
      • GV Log Viewer
  2. Save SiteConfig and verify in C:\ProgramData\Grass Valley\ConfigurationDataFiles\SiteConfig that .scsd and .config files are saved to the Core server.
If you want to verify all your currently configured SiteConfig roles, refer to the complete list of roles and software packages.

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