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EDIUS/XRE Setup for SMB storage

  1. Install/upgrade EDIUS and GV Render Engine software as directed by standard instructions in GV STRATUS customer documentation. Make sure you follow the proper sequence for installation and running applications.
  2. Mount the V: drive to your GV Render Engine server and any high resolution STRATUS/EDIUS clients.
    • For SMB storage, mount the Public Media Share, such as the following:


  3. Add an EDIUS project folder at the root of the V: drive, as directed by standard instructions in GV STRATUS customer documentation.
  4. In GV STRATUS Control Panel, click Applications | EDIUS | Default Project Settings and set Default project location to the UNC path of the above EDIUS folder, as follows:
    • For SMB storage, use a path to the Public Media Share, such as the following:


  5. Follow the instructions in the this Topic Library to complete EDIUS and GV Render Engine setup for CIFS mount.
  6. For SMB storage, when on the GV Render Engine server using the XRE configuration utility to set the EDIUS project folder, the following workaround is required:
    Note: You cannot set the project folder by browsing through the network and selecting the folder on SMB storage. You must make this setting with the following steps.
    1. On the XRE/Render Engine Server, in the XRE Management or XREController setting window, save any Project folder configuration.
    2. Exit the XRE configuration utility.
    3. Go to C:\ProgramData\Grass Valley\EDIUS\8.0\XRE\XREManagementServerSetting.xml.
    4. Edit and save the project Folder value, as shown in this example: <xre:projectFolder>\\gvstorage-public\mediashare\EDIUS</xre:projectFolder>
    5. Restart the system.

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