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Monitoring imports, exports, or transfers

You can monitor the status of archive, transfer, conform, and transcode jobs in the Jobs Monitor.
  1. To monitor GV STRATUS system jobs triggered by you and by others, in the Navigator panel, do the following according to the types of jobs you are monitoring:
    • Click one of the nodes under Monitors | Jobs.

    The Jobs List displays GV STRATUS operations that can be monitored. Operations that are currently in progress or have failed are also displayed.

    While transferring, if the destination quota is reached, the transfer job will fail gracefully in the Jobs Monitor and the partial asset will be deleted from the destination.

    The maximum number of jobs are limited to 2000 in the GV STRATUS 32-bit application, and 5000 in the 64-bit application.

  2. Right-click and select Columns to display specific column on the Jobs Monitor.

  3. To stop the GV STRATUS system from running an upcoming job, right-click an upcoming job and select Cancel.
  4. To remove a completed job from the list, right-click a completed job and select Delete.

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