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EDIUS/GV Render Engine Setup for SMB connection

  1. Install/upgrade EDIUS and GV Render Engine software as directed by standard instructions in GV STRATUS customer documentation. Make sure you follow the proper sequence for installation and running applications.
  2. Mount the V: drive to your GV Render Engine server and any high resolution GV STRATUS/EDIUS clients.
    • For a GV STRATUS Express system with K2 Summit standalone systems, mount a K2 Summit standalone system.
  3. Add an EDIUS project folder at the root of the V: drive, as directed by standard instructions in GV STRATUS customer documentation.
  4. In GV STRATUS Control Panel, set the UNC path as follows:
    • For EDIUS XS, click Applications | EDIUS | Default Project Settings and set Default project location to the UNC path of the above EDIUS folder. For a GV STRATUS Express system with K2 Summit standalone systems, use a path such as the following:


    • For the GV Render Engine server, click Core | MDI Configuration | Add | Summit and do one of the following:
      • Select Standalone for the type of K2 device. Then set the UNC path for the K2 Summit standalone system, use a path such as the following:


  5. Follow the instructions in the this Topic Library to complete EDIUS and GV Render Engine setup for SMB connection.

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