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SiteConfig software installation and upgrade on SMB storage systems

Before deploying software, you must ensure that roles are configured to support SMB storage. Failure to do so can result in the software installation process changing back to default roles. Once roles are configured, they are retained for future deployment sessions.
  1. Follow steps for a normal GV STRATUS/Summit system, but with the following steps to ensure that roles are configured and software is installed.
  2. Identify the software that corresponds to the following SiteConfig roles. This software must be uninstalled before these roles are removed.
    • All SNFS (StorNext File System) roles on K2 Summit clients, K2 Manager, XRE, Render Engine, Conform, Proxy Encoder, and HTTP Proxy server.
    • The iSCSI bridge role on the K2 Manager.
  3. Using SiteConfig, uninstall the identified software.
    1. In the Software Deployment | Deployment Groups tree view, select the device or the group of devices to which you are deploying software. The corresponding software deployment tasks are displayed in the Tasks list view.
    2. For the software you are deploying, select the Deploy check box in the row for the uninstall task.
    3. Unselect the Deploy check box for all other deployment tasks for all other software.
    4. Click the Start Deployment button. Deployment tasks run and software is uninstalled. Progress is reported and next steps are indicated in both the Status and Details columns.
    5. Perform manual steps if indicated, such as dismissing a dialog box on the device and/or restarting the device.
    6. Monitor progress as indicated by both the Status and Details column. When finished, the Status column indicates complete.
  4. Remove SiteConfig roles as follows.
    • All SNFS (StorNext File System) roles on K2 Summit clients, K2 Manager, XRE, Render Engine, Conform, Proxy Encoder, and HTTP Proxy server.
    • The iSCSI bridge role on the K2 Manager.
  5. Add the GV STRATUS Summit Services role to the K2 Manager.
  6. Sync to the core as follows:
    1. Select Tools | Options | Network Configuration, and enter the core server name.
    2. Select File | Save.
  7. Install software via SiteConfig as you would for a normal GV STRATUS/Summit system.

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