Other Topic Library Versions

Upgrade K2 systems

  • All K2 Summit systems must upgrade to the latest supported version of .NET if not already installed.
  • You have procured the necessary software and documentation for the upgrade. Go to //www.grassvalley.com/dl/k2_summit and refer to the "Release Notes" section of the K2 Topic Library to determine the compatible software versions and documentation required.
  • All standalone K2 Summit systems must be offline (all media access stopped) and shut down. The power must be off for a few seconds before switching it on again.
  • If upgrading a K2 SAN, all SAN clients must be offline (all media access stopped) and shut down. The power must be off for a few seconds before switching it on again. Depending on your system design, this could include devices such as SAN-attached K2 Summit systems, GV STRATUS servers, and GV STRATUS Client PCs.
Note: When upgrading from a K2 software version lower than 9.x to a K2 software version at 9.x or higher, you must reimage each K2 Summit system. Hardware upgrades might also be required on a K2 Summit system.
  1. Upgrade your K2 systems to the compatible version of K2 system software. This includes K2 SAN systems and stand-alone K2 Summit systems. When upgrading for compatibility with GV STRATUS, use GrassValley_K2system_x.x.x.cab file, which contains the required GrassValley_STRATUS_SummitServices_x.x.x.cab file.
  2. For K2 storage systems, do the following:
    • If any K2 Summit clients have a GVRE/Encoder set as an FTP Server, do the following:
      • Go to each K2 Summit client with a GVRE/Encoder FTP server and click the Change Server button.
      • Verify that the FTP Server settings change to a desired FTP Server.
      • Reboot the K2 Summit clients.
    • Remove all GVREs/Encoders from K2Config and add them back without the FTP Server role.
    • Sync K2Config to the GV STRATUS core server.
  3. For Grass Valley SMB Storage systems, do the following:
    • Remove all GVREs/Encoders from K2Config.
    • Map the V: drive manually on each GVRE.
    • Sync K2Config to the GV STRATUS core server.
  4. On systems running Embedded Security, do the one-time initial deployment process for the Embedded Security solution, if you have not already done so.

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