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The Dashboard tool

The Dashboard tool allows you to view information about the current activity on the GV STRATUS system.

You can view the Dashboard tool in the GV STRATUS application and in the GV STRATUS Control Panel. You can also drag and drop any Dashboard panel into the Favorites section in the Navigator to easily access your Dashboard status. If you are assigned with appropriate roles in the GV STRATUS Control Panel, these options are available for the Dashboard tool under the Monitors node.

The Channel Status displays channel state and usage information when selected. You must be assigned with the Dashboard - Channel Status role in order to view the panel. You can customize the display of list items, similar to Asset List items, with features such as sort, filter, and add/remove columns.

When a channel has an asset loaded, the asset details display in an expandable, separate line below the channel. You can also view the status of each channel whether it's idle, recording, or cueing assets.

The Storage panel reports storage capacity available on K2 devices and on the local GV STRATUS PC. You must be assigned with the Dashboard - Storage role in order to view the panel. You can right-click on the Used report to explore storage levels further. Those storage reports can also be viewed via an internet browser at: http://<coreservername>/webapps/statistics/?mode=storage

The Statistics panel displays data in graphical form for change notices, asset count, user sessions, system sessions, quota usage, and top 5 of assets per bin in the GV STRATUS system. You must be assigned with the Dashboard - Statistics role in order to view the panel. Those statistics can also be viewed via an internet browser at: http://<coreservername>/webapps/statistics/

The Quotas panel displays the amount of disk space that the GV STRATUS system reserved for specific bins and the current quota usage. You must be assigned with the Dashboard - Quotas role in order to view the panel. The quota of each bin is configurable via the StorNext Administration application on K2 Summits. The quota display turns orange when the disk space is less than 100MB of the limit, and turns red when it reaches the limit. The Quota Status icon displays on the status bar when the quota limit is reached. You can click the icon to launch the status viewer panel and view the quota limit.

Note: The quota limit on K2 Summit system is only supported for K2 SAN media folders.

The Social Media panel displays data in graphical form for statistical information of all Social Media platforms. You must be assigned with the Dashboard - Social Media role in order to view the panel. Once an asset is published via the configured social media account, it is possible to gather statistical data such as (View-, Like- and Share-) counts from the social media platform. In addition to the display via the Dashboard tool, those statistics can also be viewed via an internet browser at: http://<coreservername>/webapps/statistics/?mode=social-media

If a webpage is configured in GV STRATUS Control Panel for display in the Dashboard tool, you can select the webpage under Dashboard options and view the display on a separate panel.

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