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Changing SiteConfig credentials

In SiteConfig, the remote target credentials need to be updated for any device using the Windows Administrator credentials to deploy software. This can be done by either changing the global credentials for device types or changing each device to override the global credentials to match the corresponding Windows Administrator credentials.

  1. Change the global credentials for the following Device Types: GV STRATUS Server, GV STRATUS Client, Control Point PC, K2 Server, K2 Summit Client – SAN, and K2 Summit Client – Standalone to match the corresponding Windows Administrator credentials.
  2. Proceed as follows:
    • If you previously applied credentials to the device that were different than the global credentials and now you want to apply the global device type credentials, select Use Global Credentials.
    • If you want to apply credentials to the device that are different than the device-type credentials, select Override Global Credentials.
    The Set Device Logon Credentials dialog box opens.
  3. Enter the user name and password for the device and click OK.
  4. To test the credentials, right-click on the device and choose Remote Desktop to start a session to the device.
  5. On each device, verify the Windows administrator user account credentials are the same as those that SiteConfig uses to access the device.

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