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Configuring the Generic FTP MDI role for Nearline K2 SAN

  1. In SiteConfig, add the GV STRATUS Generic FTP MDI role to the GV STRATUS Core server, if it is not already added.
  2. If not already installed, use SiteConfig to install the Generic FTP MDI on the GV STRATUS Core server.
  3. On the GV STRATUS Core server, in the SabreTooth License Manager, generate a unique Id and request a STRATUS-ARCHIVE license. When you receive the license, install it on the GV STRATUS Core server.
  4. In GV STRATUS Control Panel application, add a Generic FTP MDI and configure the FTP Server settings as follows:
    • FTP Server Name: The FTP network name of the K2 server for the Nearline K2 SAN system. Make sure the name includes the _he0 suffix.
    • FTP User Account: It is recommended that you use the internal system account, which by default is GVAdmin.
    • FTP Password: The administrator password for the default GVAdmin account.
  5. Save the MDI configuration.
  6. Restart the GV STRATUS Core server.
  7. In GV STRATUS Control Panel application, in Licensing settings, verify that the desired users are licensed with the Archive Rights and Restore Rights.
  8. To test, log in as one of those users and verify that you are able to Archive and Restore.
  9. To add a new archive bin, go to Devices | FTPMDI right-click and select New | Bin.

    Archive bins are automatically populated under FTPMDI node in the Navigator if those bins already exist on the FTP server.

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