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About Auto Logout

The purpose of the Auto Logout role is to release the GV STRATUS license that is assigned to a system that has been idle for a long period of time. This returns the license to the pool of available licenses and makes it available for use by another GV STRATUS application.

In GV STRATUS Control Panel, the Auto Logout role can be assigned to groups and users. When a user account with this role is logged on to the GV STRATUS application, the GV STRATUS system monitors the host PC for activity and triggers the auto logout process if appropriate. This process is configured in Auto Logout settings.

To locate these settings, click General | License Management | Auto Logout

The following setting specifies the timing of the auto logout process:

Setting or button Description
STRATUS Application Timeout The length of time the PC that hosts the GV STRATUS application must sit idle, with no activity, before that PC's GV STRATUS license is released.
The auto logout process occurs as follows:
  1. Five minutes before the timeout, a dialog box opens with a message specifying the time the license is to be released.

  2. If a user clicks Continue within five minutes, the auto logout process is discontinued and the timeout is reset.
  3. If there is no interaction with the message dialog box within five minutes, the dialog box closes and another dialog box opens. This second dialog box displays a message that the license is released and provides options to log off the GV STRATUS application or to refresh the license.

  4. The license used currently by the GV STRATUS application is returned to the pool of available licenses. Until an option is selected, the GV STRATUS application and the dialog box remain open. The GV STRATUS application is unusable, but current work is retained.
  5. When the option to refresh the license is selected, if a license is available, the GV STRATUS application is licensed and becomes usable. If a license is not available, a dialog box opens with a message about the license. Clicking OK logs out and closes the GV STRATUS application.

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