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Configuring Encore

Encore system can be configured to control crosspoints of a single routing matrix, or expanded to control multiple matrices depending on your system needs.

You also need to ensure that the IP address of your GV STRATUS Core Services Server is entered in the RCL Server configuration of the Encore router control system.

  1. Log on to Encore OUI, select App_CPServer and RCL Servers.
  2. On the Ethernet Client Names and IP Addresses section of the RCL Server Configuration window, enter the machine name and IP address of your GV STRATUS Core Services Server.

  3. Log out from Encore OUI.
  4. In the GV STRATUS Contol Panel application, launch the router configuration panel to configure the Encore router connection.
  5. If needed, you can customize the level setting on the Connection tab. Select the appropriate level from the drop-down list for video, audio and timecode. Select 0 (zero) for the video level if video is the first level in your router control system, 1 if it is the second level and so on.
  6. Click Save to save changes.

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