Other Topic Library Versions

Inserting file names of exported files in the XML metadata file

Previously there is no way to access file names of essences that were transferred via export rules, especially when exporting multiple essence files with a transcoding step in between. Now users are able to insert file names and other details in the XML metadata file that will be exported via export rules. Those file names can be extracted later via automated processing.

  1. On the machine where the Transcode Control Engine is installed, locate the folder containing the metadata export profiles in the path below:

    C:\Program Files\Grass Valley\STRATUS Transcode Engine\Profiles\AssetMetadataExport

  2. Select the XSLT metadata export profile, create a copy, and rename the file.

    For example, copy "GV STRATUS Simple.xslt" and rename the new file as "GV STRATUS Extended.xslt".

  3. Open the new file with a text editor of your choice, e.g. Notepad.exe.
  4. Add a new XML node that contains ​all essence file names, thumbnails, CloseCaption file, metadata file, and their file paths as in the example below:
              -Native file: assetname_Keywords_Mark In_Date_UserText.gxf
              -transcoded file(s): assetname_Keywords_Mark In_Date_UserText_FormatName.mp4;  assetname_Keywords_Mark In_Date_UserText_FormatName.wmv; ...
              -TN's: assetname_Keywords_Mark In_Date_UserText_10:03:05:00.jpg; ....
              -CloseCaption file: ftp://server/path; assetname_Keywords_Mark In_Date_UserText_FormatName.mp4​
              -Metadata file: ftp://server7path;  assetname_Keywords_Mark In_Date_UserText_FormatName.xml ​
  5. Click Save and close the file.

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