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Configure and authenticate Twitter location

Only systems that publish assets to Twitter require this process.
  • The express/core server, workflow server, or separate server must be configured with the GV STRATUS Social Media Engine role and deployed by SiteConfig.
  • The Social Media Engine must be running in GV STRATUS Control Panel Engines settings.
  • Both "STRATUS-SMNSOCIALMEDIAENGINE” and “STRATUS-SMNTWITTER” licenses are installed on the core/express or separate server.
Configure a location as follows:
  1. In GV STRATUS Control Panel, navigate to General | Locations Config | Social Media Locations Configuration | Add.

  2. Configure as follows:
    Setting or button Description
    Location Name The name of the location, as it appears in the application. This can be any name, as appropriate for your workflow. This identifies the Twitter location when publishing assets to your Twitter account via the GV STRATUS application.
    Description Your description of the location.
    Social Media Network Select Twitter from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Request to get a Pin Code from the Twitter website.

    A web-browser opens automatically for you to enter the account credentials.

  4. Enter your User name or email address, and enter the password.
  5. Then, click Authorize app for GV STRATUS system to access and manage assets on your Twitter account.

    The request is successful when the web-browser displays a 7 digit Pin Code.

  6. Copy the Pin Code and paste it on the Social Media Locations Configuration dialog.

  7. Click Register.

    The Twitter location configuration is completed when the Authentication successful message appears as below:

  8. Click Apply to save the Twitter location configuration in the GV STRATUS Control Panel.
Next, configure the Publish Social Media rule.

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