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Backing up a database

Grass Valley recommends that you back up all the databases of the GV STRATUS system before upgrading to the latest version of the software or before moving your databases from the GV STRATUS Core server to a standalone Database Server. With a database backup, you can avoid any lost of feed schedules and the need to key in everything again in case of a system crash. The backup could also be placed on another machine or an external drive for extra precaution.

  1. Open and log in to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. In the tree-view expand the Databases node and identify the databases of the GV STRATUS system to backup, which are the following:
    • ISDB
    • MediaFlow
    • MediaFrame
    • RulesEngine
    • WfPersistence
  3. Right-click on a database and select Tasks | Back Up.

  4. On the General page, select a database to be backed up from the Database drop-down list.
  5. Select Full on the Backup type drop-down list.
  6. In the Destination section, click Add and select the backup destination.
  7. On the Media Options page, select Back up to the existing media set and Overwrite all existing backup sets.
  8. On the Backup Options page, enter the name of the backup database.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Repeat for other databases of the GV STRATUS system that you are backing up.

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