Other Topic Library Versions

Finding a panel

If you are not sure of the location or current state of a panel, use the following procedure to find it.

  1. Click Window | Panels.
  2. Identify the name of the panel on the menu list and determine its current state as follows:
    • If the panel name does not have a checkmark next to it, the panel is currently closed. You can select the panel name to open the panel in its last location.
    • If the panel name has a checkmark next to it, the panel is already showing. If you select the panel name, the panel closes, rather than opens.
  3. If the panel is already showing, find your panel as follows:
    • Use keyboard shortcuts either Ctrl + Tab or Alt + F7 to view and select from a list of panels with thumbnails. Then, press Tab or F7 key repeatedly to move down the list, and release the Ctrl or Alt key to select a panel.

    In addition, you can also press Shift together with keyboard shortcuts above to move up the list. Then, release the hold on all shortcut keys to select a tool from the list.

    When selected, the tool is given focus. If the tool includes a player or viewer such as the Inspector, Advanced Logging Suite, Segmentation, or Storyboard Editor, then the primary viewer of the tool is in focus.

    • Check the edges of the application window to find your panel showing as a Show/Hide tab.
    • In other panels check the area under the title bar to find your panel showing as a panel tab.
    • Check the Windows taskbar and/or desktop to find your panel as an undocked panel. Your panel might be obscured by another panel or application window.
    • If you are having difficulty finding your panel, close and then reopen the panel from Window | View. This causes the panel to open in front of any other panels that could be obscuring it.
    • Click Window | View and reload a workspace.

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