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Commissioning process

Use the following list to guide the overall task flow of commissioning your system. This commissioning process assumes you received your system completely set up and configured from Grass Valley.

  1. Rack, cable, and power on process. All systems require this process.

  2. Test system setup and configuration process. All systems require this process. Verify that your cabling is correct, the system is operational as when pre-staged by Grass Valley, and to complete procedures by logging in to all devices and applications as user Administrator.

  3. Customer network, licenses, and roles process. All systems require this process. Set up the GV STRATUS Core server on the customer's network and assign GV STRATUS licenses and roles to the customer's groups and users.

  4. Client PC set up process. All systems require this process. Add the customer's GV STRATUS client PCs to the system.

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