Other Topic Library Versions

Transferring an asset to a remote site

  • If quota is configured on the K2 system bin, ensure you have enough disk space before transferring assets.
  1. In the Navigator panel, select the source bin on the Grass Valley system.
  2. Do the following:
    1. In the Asset List, right-click on the asset or assets that you want to transfer and select a command as follows:
      • Copy — Copies the asset or assets, leaving the original in the source bin.
      • Copy To — Copies the asset or assets, leaving the original in the source bin. Opens a Copy To dialog box in which you can browse to the desired destination bin.
The transfer is initiated. If transferring multiple assets, transfer jobs are queued.
Note: The transfer to a remote site always overwrites an asset if the remote site account does not have media manager role.

To monitor the status of the transfer, open the Jobs List.

While transferring, if the destination quota is reached, the transfer job will fail gracefully in the Jobs Monitor and the partial asset will be deleted from the destination.

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