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Modifying managed control network interface

  • The physical device you are configuring must be discovered and must be assigned to a device in the SiteConfig system description.
  • SiteConfig must have communication with the device.
  • The device must be defined in the system description with an appropriate network interface.
Use this task to modify managed the control network interface on a GV STRATUS Client PC:
  1. In the Interfaces list view determine the interface to configure, as follows:
    • Identify the interface with which SiteConfig is currently communicating, indicated by the green star overlay icon. This should be the control network interface.
    • Verify that the interface over which SiteConfig is currently communicating is in fact the interface defined for the control network in the system description. If this is not the case, you might have the control network cable connected to the wrong interface port. The control connection should always be the first port on the motherboard, except when you have a loopback connection.
    • Configure the control network interface first before configuring any of the other interfaces.
    • A device can have multiple network interfaces that are not connected and are not required for system functionality. Give these interfaces a name such as "Unused" to aid identification.
  2. In the Interfaces list view, check the icon for the interface you are configuring.

    If the icon has a red stop sign overlay, it indicates that current settings and planned settings do not match or that there is some other problem. Hover over the icon to read a tooltip with information about the problem.

  3. In the Interfaces list view, right-click the control network interface and select Edit.

    The Managed Network Interface Details dialog box opens.

  4. Identify the interface on the discovered device that you are configuring.
    • Identify Ethernet LAN adapters by their "Description" name. This is the Windows connection name. SiteConfig reads this name from the device and displays it at the top of this dialog box. This is the most accurate way to identify the network adapter on the discovered device that you are configuring.
    Make sure you are configuring the control network interface.
  5. Configure naming settings as follows:
    Setting... For network interface Network Connection
    Interface Name The device host name. Required.
    Set To Default Not recommended
    DNS Suffix Allowed, if applicable to the network. The DNS suffix is added to the interface name.
    Aliases Not allowed
    Use Interface Name/Aliases in Host Files Unselected is required. Since not selected, the default behavior occurs, which is to use the device host name in the hosts file.

  6. Evaluate settings on the Planned tab and change if necessary.
    • Compare settings on the Planned tab with settings on the Current tab.
    • If you want to keep the current settings as reported in the Current tab, click Remove to remove the planned settings.
    • Do not specify multiple IP addresses for the same interface. Do not use the Add button.
  7. To modify planned settings, do the following:
    1. Select the network settings and click Edit.

      The Edit IP Address dialog box opens.

    2. Edit IP address settings as follows:
      Setting... For network interface Network Connection
      Network Control is required
      Address Allocation Static is recommended.
      IP Address The IP address for this interface on the network. Required.

      The networks listed in the Edit IP Address dialog box are those currently defined in the system description, with available settings restricted according to the network definition. If you require settings that are not available, you can close dialog boxes and go to the Network Configuration | Networks tab to modify network settings, then return to the Edit IP Address dialog box to continue.

  8. When you have verified that the planned settings are correct, click OK, then Yes to apply settings to the device and close. A Contacting Device message box reports progress.
  9. After configuring control network settings, do the following
    1. If a message informs you of a possible loss of communication, click OK.

      This message is normal, since this is the network over which you are currently communicating.

    2. In the Device list view, observe the device icon and wait until the icon displays the green star overlay before proceeding.

      The icon might not display the green star overlay for several seconds as settings are reconfigured and communication is re-established.

    3. In the Interface list view, right-click the interface and select Ping.

      The Ping Host dialog box opens.

      If ping status reports success, the interface is communicating on the control network.

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